Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday Five: Complete this sentence

1: _____ makes me smile.

2: I get emotional when I read ______. 

3:  ______ makes my skin crawl.

4: I often feel ______. 

5: _____ makes me laugh. 

My answers. 

1: _Reading Blogs____ makes me smile.

2: I get emotional when I read _about death_____. 

3:  _Snakes _____ makes my skin crawl.

4: I often feel _loved__. 

5: _Sarcasim____ makes me laugh. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. Unexpected gifts make me smile.
    2. I get emotional when I read about the homeless.
    3. SPIDERS make my skin crawl.
    4. I often feel overappreciated. Yes, I've got childhood issues.
    5. Balder Half makes me laugh. I guess I'll keep him.

  2. 1: A cardinal, that's been stopping and posing on our back deck for a week now, makes me smile.
    2: I get emotional when I read how people are treated in the so-called name of god [little g].
    3: Big hairy bugs make my skin crawl.
    4: I often feel loved, between Carlos, the cats and the dog.
    5: Quick unexpected wit makes me laugh.

  3. I'll just copy and paste your replies, but there is no need. You've said it already.

    1. Thanks, we are all the same in different ways

  4. 1: Being tickled makes me smile.
    2: I get emotional when I read emotional true stories of loss.
    3: Donald Trump makes my skin crawl.
    4: I often feel my testicles.
    5: Yet more tickling makes me laugh.

    1. There was an answer I didn't expect, thank you.

  5. 1: meeting friends makes me smile.
    2: I get emotional when I read about animals in trouble.
    3: Big bugs makes my skin crawl.
    4: I often feel adventurous.
    5: Looking back on some past silly antics makes me laugh.

    1. Have fun along the way, so you have fun memories

  6. 1: _people who smiles makes me smile.
    2: I get emotional when I reading about people hurting other people.

    3: Those who gives me the hibby jibbes makes my skin crawl.

    4: I often feel don't fit in.

    5: Grandchildren makes me laugh.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. We are all part of the tapestry of life,

  7. What fun this one!

    1: ____A good cocktail _ makes me smile.
    2: I get emotional when I read _about bad news_____.

    3: ____Seeing holes__ makes my skin crawl.

    4: I often feel _tired_____.

    5: __Marx Brothers___ makes me laugh.
