Wednesday, August 23, 2023

My World of Wonders - aka The Wednesday Ws End of August 2023 edition

Who would love to have this? Doc Spo - I was thinking of you when I took this.  

Where have I been?  The office, home, the farmers market, the usual. 

When is the next adventure?  Everyday, the next out of town adventure is in September - a driving trip to Pennsylvania. 

What surprised me this week?   Rudy trying to remove the Georgia criminal case to Federal Court.  

What made me laugh this week? Blog posts are often the first laugh of the day. 

What have I been reading?  Lots, I finished Founding Gardeners and Steeple Chasing (both very good, my print copy of Founding Gardeners is destined to a friend who loves to garden, Steeple Chasing was recommended by Angus in Scotland and he is right it might be the best written prose of the year.) I am starting The Mechanic.  I am going to try to clean up the print books in the partly read or to read stacks.  I have logged 40 completed reads this year.  

What have I been watching?  YouTube, Billy is restoring a convent in France, Ryan is a friend of Billy, Dan is restoring a burned out chateau in France, Mr. and Mrs. B are living a life afloat and can be comic relief, and the Foxes post at least once a week.  Grainy Days posts a couple of times a month about film photography and has a voice that could lull anyone to sleep.

What is my latest wild hare idea?  Photo documenting the historic churches in the local area.  I can start with the General's box (George Washington) and move on from there.  There are several from colonial times, and important one's from just after the Civil War. Washington's Alexandria townhouse was between the tavern and the church, closer to the tavern (we hosted lunch there when we got married.) Something to keep me busy after work.  

Who called?  My boss's boss to discuss budgets and pay raises for my team.  I think I defended my request for raises.  We need to take care of those who take care of us. 

How many times did I think about chucking the business this week? Twice. One of my favorite lines from old British sitcoms, is from the last episode of "To the Manor Born" when Richard says to Audrey "what would you say if I said I was thinking about chucking the business and moving back here?" And her replying, "then come back here and marry me." If you a chance, go watch that series. I have it on DVD. 

Who deserves a slap this week? The spammers who keep posting comments directing my readers to travel agencies, or about what a great blog this is, and whose profile is a shill for travel services.  I check daily, report as spam, and delete.  If they want to advertise on this blog, Google will sell them adds. Out of 5 slaps, at least 3. 

What made me want to scream? Really bad editing. 




  1. I love the historic churches project!

    1. You could have fun with that where you are.

  2. Where is that totem? I feel like I've seen it in person.

    I love churches only for the architecture and not what goes on inside.

    1. Denver Art Museum

    2. Nope. I thought maybe a Northwest Museum; perhaps I've seen a similar installation.

  3. There weren't too many poignant moments in To the Manor Born, but that was one of them.

    1. I still enjoy re-watching it.

  4. Where was that photo taken? It makes me think of the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver.

    1. Denver Art Museum - a great collection

  5. I love that photo! Those spammers are a pain. I get the ones who try to tell me how much they like my blog but can't put a sentence together.

    1. I had three or four from travel agencies this morning. If they want to advertise on my Blog, Google will sell them space.

  6. I always thought to the manor born rather limp
    Have you seen The Good Life ? Slightly earlier , more funny

    1. Yes, Tom chucked the business. My farming days are behind me.

  7. Re: the comment regarding chucking it - I think that there is a threshold established by the number of emails that start out with "As any fool can plainly see..." (deleted before sending). I don't know whether or not this is a cumulative or frequency established threshold. I find this happening more frequently, so I've started considering a retirement date of next spring.

    1. I have deleted a few messages without sending.
