Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Sunday Five: Leaving our mark on the world

 1: This Roman Aqueduct has stood for over 2,000 years, should the "I was here" from 1818 be removed? 

2: Have you ever carved your name or initials into the bark of a tree? 

3: There is a trend of covering the back of street signs with stickers or decals, have you ever done this? 

4: The hotel in Dublin had a sticker wall in the lobby, would you have something in your pocket or bag to add the wall? 

5: Banksy, art or vandalism? 

My Answers? 

1: This Roman Aqueduct has stood for over 2,000 years, should the "I was here" from 1818 be removed? I would cover it with glass, and post signs asking people to not deface the stone work. 

2: Have you ever carved your name or initials into the bark of a tree? No. 

3: There is a trend of covering the back of street signs with stickers or decals, have you ever done this? I have not, but I have thought about it. 

4: The hotel in Dublin had a sticker wall in the lobby, would you have something in your pocket or bag to add the wall? I didn't, I had cleaned out the small case I carry before we left home, and left at home and American "I Voted" Sticker.  

5: Banksy, art or vandalism?  If it is done without permission, it is vandalism, it may be artistic, but it may be unwelcome.  

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1: This Roman Aqueduct has stood for over 2,000 years, should the "I was here" from 1818 be removed? No.
    2: Have you ever carved your name or initials into the bark of a tree? No.
    3: There is a trend of covering the back of street signs with stickers or decals, have you ever done this? No and it drives me crazy.
    4: The hotel in Dublin had a sticker wall in the lobby, would you have something in your pocket or bag to add the wall? No and THAT would drive me crazy. I can’t ever tolerate refrigerator magnets. Too messy.
    5: Banksy, art or vandalism? Art (with maybe sometimes vandalism thrown in)

    1. We "relocated" the refrigerator magnets when we redid the kitchen.

  2. 1: This Roman Aqueduct has stood for over 2,000 years, should the "I was here" from 1818 be removed? Definitely not.
    2: Have you ever carved your name or initials into the bark of a tree? No I haven't
    3: There is a trend of covering the back of street signs with stickers or decals, have you ever done this? I have not, but I have thought about it. Nope. I don't see the point and those stickers just look messy.
    4: The hotel in Dublin had a sticker wall in the lobby, would you have something in your pocket or bag to add the wall? I didn't, I had cleaned out the small case I carry before we left home, and left at home and American "I Voted" Sticker. No - I would not participate in such a sticker-fest. Apart from anything else they are a waste of this planet's resources.
    5: Banksy, art or vandalism? If it is done without permission, it is vandalism, it may be artistic, but it may be unwelcome. Definitely art. Banksy has almost exclusively picked neglected locations for his work - making unremarkable spaces come alive.

    1. Another vote for no stickers.

  3. 1: This Roman Aqueduct has stood for over 2,000 years, should the "I was here" from 1818 be removed? I agree with your suggestion.
    2: Have you ever carved your name or initials into the bark of a tree? Oddly enough, no.
    3: There is a trend of covering the back of street signs with stickers or decals, have you ever done this? Again, it's a no.
    4: The hotel in Dublin had a sticker wall in the lobby, would you have something in your pocket or bag to add the wall? If I had an interesting sticker I might ... and now I want tot ake a photo of my refrigerator to drive Mitchell crazy with my magnetism!
    5: Banksy, art or vandalism? Art, perhaps, with a whiff of vandalism?

    1. I wonder if I have a before photo of our kitchen, you could barely see the refrigerator.

    2. Bob: The Kid Brother has a small personal refrigerator completely covered with magnets, and I bought him many of them. There’s not an inch bare. It makes him happy. I just look away.

  4. 1: This Roman Aqueduct has stood for over 2,000 years, should the "I was here" from 1818 be removed? No, now it's part of the history of the place.
    2: Have you ever carved your name or initials into the bark of a tree? No
    3: There is a trend of covering the back of street signs with stickers or decals, have you ever done this? No
    4: The hotel in Dublin had a sticker wall in the lobby, would you have something in your pocket or bag to add the wall? No
    5: Banksy, art or vandalism? I thought it was vandalism when I first heard of the guy. Now I think it's art.

    1. In the 1960's an abstract artist did a series of paintings on 2'6" by 6'9" luan panels, everyone thought it was a brilliant choice - the reality was, he was building a new house and someone ordered the wrong size doors, so he used them to paint on.

  5. Oh dear, the top half of my refrigerator is absolutely COVERED in magnets, notes, etc. -- it would make Mitchell puke! As for Banksy, it is vandalistic art but art nevertheless.

    1. Most of my favorite fridge magnets, are on a four drawer rolling tool cabinet in my bedroom.

    2. My fridge doesn't allow magnets; you can have my old ones; I have heaps.

  6. I used to cover the old Most Difficult Case with decals; I haven't traveled anywhere to attach to the the new version.
