Wednesday, June 05, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday W's - Back Home Again edition

What left me speechless recently?  We were having lunch at a sidewalk cafe, in the medieval walled city of Aigues Mortes, I ordered a local specialty of "Bull" stew with rice.  An accordian player showed up in the square and started to set up.  I groaned, and figured I would eat, pay the bill and move on. Then he started quietly playing French classics.  I was moved beyond words, I had a moment.  It was unexpected, unplanned, and a highlight of the trip.  I dropped a nice tip in his case.  

Who have I met? A couple of younger neighbors from building 1 (there are four towers in the community.) One is Sudanese, born in Saudi Arabia, who has lived around the world, private schools in Europe, University in Ottawa, who moved here from New York City; the other a California native, who is working remotely for FB. One of them is married.  It is nice to have neighbors who will outlive me.  

Where have I been? Since returning home a week ago today, grocery stores, the farmers market, out for my daily walks.  

What am I reading?  I am working my way through a long overdo re-read of Zorba the Greek. I started a history book - that was absolutely terrible - and I deleted it before I had so much time invested in it that I felt obligated to finish it.  What was wrong with it?  It was an academic book, a firehose of everything the author knows about the subject with no story line or focus. Academic writing can, and should tell a story and be interesting.  This wasn't. 

What am I struggling with? The time change, six hours time change after five weeks,  is a bit of an adjustment.  We gave friends our NSO tickets for Saturday night, as we can't stay awake past 9:00 PM. 

Will we do a transAtlantic cruise again?  I am already shopping for next year.  Let me know if you want to join in the fun.  

Who deserves a massive THANK YOU this week? Our dear neighbor Susan who dropped us off and picked us up at the airports,  picked up our mail and checked on our apartment while we were away.  

Who deserves a slap this week? Heathrow Airport, why can't they post the gate more than 15 minutes before boarding starts.  The plane was at the gate a couple of hours before the flight. 3 out of 5 slaps, every other major airport does this better.  

What was nasty this week?  British Airways economy class from Paris to Heathrow, was crowded and uncomfortable. BA needs to decide if they are Ryanair or a world airline.  On the flight from Heathrow to DC, we were in Premium Economy and it was much nicer. 


  1. I agree with you about BA. Its short haul planes are horrible, and with awful seats.

    1. The seats were so close together, I was glad it was only an hour flight.

  2. I love that the accordion music was a pleasant surprise. Too bad about the jet lag; cruising home would have saved you from that! I’ve never read Zorba the Greek. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. I have a print copy of Zorba, let me know if you want me to bring it to NYC.

    2. Thanks for the offer! No need. Just more for my bag... and yours.

  3. I am not too happy about you knocking our national airline as there are things about The States that are more deserving of criticism such as Donald Trump and the extinction of the carrier pigeon.

    1. It felt like Fred's discount airways.

    2. There, there YP. You should hear what he says about the DC metro!

  4. Hahahaha, I can't stay awake much past 9:00 pm either and I can't even blame jet lag!

    1. Early to bed, early to rise, makes us healthy, wealthy and wise.

  5. It seems insane that heathrow doesn't post the gates until the last minute. Airports are the worst place to be dashing through because you're late!

    I might have had the same initial reaction you had to the accordion; nice that it turned out so pleasant.

    1. At least it was not bagpipes.

  6. What an adventure you had! I can see why it would take a couple weeks to recover.

    1. It was fun, I will do this again,

  7. That comment about Heathrow is so true. I hate waiting around for the gate announcement and then having to hurry to a gate at the very far end.

    1. I don't know anyplace else that does it like that.

  8. Welcome back to Washington and its World of Wonders. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. It is good to be home, for a while.

  9. I love long vacations....but the getting caught up after it and the return home is another story.

    1. Getting back in the grove was easier this time, for some reason. . . :)

  10. When we flew from Dallas to London SWMBO immediately took to the mattresses for a jet-lag-preventation-nap. I went out walking and discovered the British Museum only a block or so from our hotel. No jet lag for me probably because I was too excited to actually be in London.

    1. I usually sleep for 2-3 hours, then force myself out to walk, the sweet bear sleeps for a day or two.
