Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday Ramble: I was Really There

Jay takes photos of me when we travel, often photos of me walking away, I walk too fast and have a much shorter attention span. He gathered up the walking away photos from the May adventure and sent them to me, so here I share them with you.  They are not all flattering, I am rotund. But they show that I am there, really there.  

I seldom am seen without a camera on my wrist.  When packing, I moved my preferred lens to the newer "back-up" camera and carried it on this trip. There were only a couple of times when I wished I had a wider lens with me, I only took one lens, to save weight.  I had three batteries and the charger with me.  Depending on conditions, I can get 700 to 1,000 images on a charge.  The camera had a 36-gig memory card, and I ran out of space (a little over 2,400 photos.) I deleted a few bad images, and made it through that day.  The next morning the first stop was the Super U supermarket in Saint Martin Du Crua.  I went to the customer service desk, popped the memory card out of my camera and did my best to explain that I needed to buy one. The staffer looked flustered for a moment, then came out from behind the counter and led the way to the display where I was able to find a new card. I thanked her profusely, one of the few things I can do in French.  I should have kissed her. I had another 1,500 photos on the new card when we arrived home. 



  1. Great pics! Especially the Museum of the Inquisition. Would love to go there! (I studied European history of the period in university). And really, no one cares a hoot about your body shape. I got over my fear and self-consciousness about my body years ago, and I am sure you have too. Now I believe that we never need to apologise for how we look! Love the locations, and have read the account of your travels with keen interest. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you, in my mind I am still thin. The Museum is in Carassone. There is a nice Mercure hotel a 10 minutes walk away from the walled city section.

  2. TP street walking.

    1. Lots and lots of walking that trip.

  3. Kudos to Jay for providing proof you were there! Great photos, too! I love that you brought Brooklyn to Europe.

    1. I enjoy that T-shirt. Only one person assumed I had to be from there to wear the shirt. My grandmother lived there in like 1914.

  4. You WERE there and you look like the happiest of travelers!

  5.'re glowing I dare say.

    It's funny, pictures takers seldom like being in the pictures.

    1. My father always had this worried look on his face when someone took his picture.

  6. Charming photos and scenery! I wouldn't go to the Inquisition Museum though. And is that beautiful blue shirt a Spo-shirt?

    1. Yes, a special for my 65th birthday.

  7. What a fun set of photos! It looks like you had a mix of weather. Some places required warmer clothes than others. Lots of memories packed into these photos.

    1. A few cooler days, and a couple of rain showers. Mostly warm and sunny.

  8. Looks like a gorgeous location and a fun time. Glad you were able to purchase the extra memory card!

    1. I will never leave home without one again.

  9. There's a good, healthy colour about you in these pictures David. I guess that adventuring suits you.

    1. A little time in the fresh air and sunshine helps.

  10. I remember my father the photographer had the same problem: in all the photos he is hardly there.
    I was glad to see your shirt is a good one for you.

    1. Oh it fits well, and gets worn on special occasions.
