Monday, June 10, 2024

Moody Monday: June 10th edition

I had a draft that was kind of off and down, that happens when I pay attention to politics and human stupidity. Thankfully delete still works.  I have to be careful to keep my mind rolling down the quiet back streets and out of the constant stream of "news." 

There was an old saying that dog bites man is not news, man bites dog is news.  Today, anything is news that is bad, or shocking.  When the weather forecast started coming from the "Severe Weather Center" I stopped paying attention.  There are far more mild sunny days, with occasional afternoon showers, than life altering storms, but the news seems only interested in the ugly in life. 

The reality in most places, is the sun will shine, the rain will fall, the breezes will blow, it may be cool, it may be warm, but we will be just fine.  I like the philosophy that there is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing choices.  We were caught in an unexpected rain, while buying a box of chocolates for the dear neighbor who picked us up at the airport, in the little street above, or one within a block or two of there. Some people walk in the rain, some just get wet.  I did walk a little faster.  

When the news is getting to me, I let my mind drift back the wonders of the world.  



  1. When I pay too much attention to politics and human stupidity, I can’t even write. I walk in the rain.

    1. How hard was it to learn Spanish?

    2. I started studying in 7th grade and took it through freshman year of college. Then I hardly used it and started going to Italy. I kept confusing the two languages so put Spanish out of my head mostly until we decided to move here. It took a couple of years to get more confidence. I’m now very comfortable but I wish I were better!

  2. Nah, publish and be damned. There must have been something interesting to your readers in the deleted post.

  3. Your right about the weather. It seems every storm is now a severe storm or some kind of drama. Even the national evening news now has a storm listed for some where it seems every night...And it's mostly a "yet another line of very severe storms is rolling up the 95-east corridor from DC/Balitmore area through Philly, and right into New York." Meanwhile crickets and sunny. I just take what may come and stopped watching too.

    1. It is always hot where you are.

    2. This spring has been very pleasant. I was recently in Baltimore...and it felt far warmer there I thought.

  4. I watch and listen to the news and then stop because it goes on a repeat cycle and nothing new is reported.

    1. The biggest challenge of 24 hour news reporting, is there is only so much news worth reporting. I can remember when Walter Cronkite could say everything that was worth saying in 30 minutes or less.

  5. Most news is about dramatic events. That's what they like best - sensationalism. News services tend to tire of subjects. What has been going on in Ukraine? What has been going on in Gaza? They seem to have got largely fed up with these subjects.

    1. Genocide becomes not news after thousands of deaths.

  6. That's right, we've got to enjoy what we can while we're here.

    1. Most of the dired predictions, I will be dead before that happens.

  7. That's a good plan! You are right about the news. Even though I know it's important to know what is going on in the world, it's not good to dwell on the bad stuff. And, there is way too much bad stuff these days.

    1. I already know who I am voting for. Not the fellon.
