Thursday, June 20, 2024

100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Travel Experience #11 - Take A Day Off From Your Vacation


Sometimes we need a day off from our travel adventures.  This can be a low impact day, like taking the open top bus tour mentioned last week, or a day when you hardly leave the hotel room. Our vacations and travel tend to become perpetual motion exercises.  There is so much to see and do, and sometimes what we most need to do, is less. 

Taking a day off is more important for some than others.  Some people retreat from activity every few days in a routine life.  This may be the weekend day when they don't leave the house and take a break from their daily routine. Or it can be the rare day when the person just does nothing.  I can remember in my hard driving 30's setting a goal one year to spend one day a month when I didn't leave the house each month (I succeeded about four times that year.)  

It is helpful to have a low-impact day from time to time.  A day when you drive slowly, and see the sights through the windshield, only getting out and walking when you truly feel like it, and not at all if you don't feel like it.  


  1. Travelling can be fun and stressful, so I agree a sort of "day off" is a good way to unwind and reboot.

  2. We all need low pack day or do nothing.

    1. Taking a day off from retirement is something few people master.

  3. A friend of ours was just in Denmark for a week. She said it was non-stop and they should have taken one day to do absolutely nothing.

    1. You are in a great location to take a do nothing day.

  4. This is a good point. To appreciate travel experiences there should be time for reflection and just sitting somewhere watching the world go by. How can you truly absorb the feeling of a place when rushing through it?

    1. Now to put this into practice.

  5. I agree. People often maintain insanely busy schedules when vacationing.

    1. We need more sit back and watch the world days.

  6. I have days like that about once a month but I must admit, I usually don't have days like that while on vacation.

    1. I am planning out next springs adventure, I am going to try to include at least one do nothing day.

  7. I often enjoyed the vacations where we rented a cabin and just had relaxing days by a lake.
    In my regular life, I am much less busy now that my children are grown and I am retired. I'm getting used to allowing myself to "waste time" just reading or walking or commenting on blogs. It's taken me a few years but I'm much better at it now! ;)

    1. The time on the ship was very much relaxing days.

  8. This is good advice and tough to do when you want to take in as much as you can. Taking a break does give you time to reflect and appreciate where you are and what you've seen.

    1. It is also okay to cancel the plans for the day.

  9. Catching up on blogs and half way through your "new" posts, but I had to stop and say I have developed the need for "down" days, at home and away. I don't have limitless on the go and socializing energy, and I need to occasionally stop and relax and rest so I don't burn out. The only wasted vacation days are those we can't enjoy because we're exhausted or frazzled.

