Friday, June 07, 2024

100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Travel Experience #9: Take A Walk Around the Block


When you check into a hotel in a city location, within the first couple of hours, take a walk around the block.  Walk around three or four blocks if you have the time and energy.  This gives you a feel for the place, helps to locate shops and restaurants outside of the hotel and nearby.  When I don't do this, I am much more likely to do everything inside of the hotel, eating at the same restaurants, and shopping in the overpriced hotel shops.  I will sometimes go out in search of refreshments to keep in the room.  Recently I checked into a hotel, bought a small bottle of water in the lobby, for $2.50, when I took my walk I bought a six-pack of the same bottled water for less than $4 - and there was a small refrigerator in the room.  

This is not as easy in suburban or rural locations as it is in cities.  But still take five minutes to take a look around.  Often the small local businesses are delighted to have customers from out of town. 


  1. Getting a lay of the land is a good thing to do. We used to do that.

    1. You could tell stories of the places you have traveled to.

  2. I do the same thing. Upon checking in...I nap for 20 minutes...then get up and take the walk. Great way to see where things are.

    Btw...Blue is your color!!!!!

    1. Hmm, the nap, the firs thing you do when you go into a hotel room is lay on the bed.

  3. I do that, also. Helps familiarize myself with where I am at, and I prefer not being in the hotel most of the time.

    1. Great hotels, have interesting things nearby.

  4. That is truly excellent advice!

    1. I have been in cities where all I ever saw, was the airport and the hotel.

  5. Yes! I appreciate a nice hotel but shortly after check-in I'm out walking, discovering, finding the pharmacy, taking photos, and just getting a feel for where I am, which then leads to branching out farther. Plenty of people travel for the hotel experience and if that's what they want to do, good for them. I want to see the world outside of the hotel.

    1. The local market down the street in Barcelona was so welcoming.

  6. I always do that! It's amazing what you can find.

    1. It is amazing what is just around the corner.

  7. Your royal blue high heels look uncomfortable to me but I guess they make you look taller. Not recommended for driving.

    1. Amazing shoes, but I would never wear them.
