Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Sunday Five: Mail Call

1: Do you look at your incoming mail (post) everyday? 

2: Do you have stamps to send mail readily at hand? 

3: Can you remember the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend of family member? 

4: When was the last time you mailed a letter or card to a family member or friend? 

5: Will postal delivery as we know it, exist in 25 years? 

My answers: 

1: Do you look at your incoming mail (post) everyday?  No, the post arrives in a locked box in the lobby, we pick it up a couple of times a week. 

2: Do you have stamps to send mail readily at hand? Yes, in a ceramic box on my desk. 

3: Can you remember the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend of family member? A thank you notes from a friend a couple of years ago. 

4: When was the last time you mailed a letter or card to a family member or friend? I always send my sister a birthday card - March. 

5: Will postal delivery as we know it, exist in 25 years?  Package delivery, yes, cards and letters - maybe not.  I am starting to think not. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1: Do you look at your incoming mail (post) everyday? Yes.
    2: Do you have stamps to send mail readily at hand? Yes, a couple books.

    3: Can you remember the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend of family member? A month of go from a blogger in Devon UK.

    4: When was the last time you mailed a letter or card to a family member or friend? I too send a package and handwritten letter to a cousin.

    5: Will postal delivery as we know it, exist in 25 years? I'm not sure. It would seem odd to not mail letters, hand written notes and cards. It feels special to receive such in the post...a nice delight.

    1. The telephone and telegraph didn't end postal service.

  2. 1: Do you look at your incoming mail (post) everyday? No - our postal delivery system (Australia) now only operates three days a week (every other day).

    2: Do you have stamps to send mail readily at hand? Yes but I haven't used them in years. I would probably need two of them to pay the high cost of posting a letter these days. Haven't checked recently.

    3: Can you remember the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend of family member? No, it was too many years ago.

    4: When was the last time you mailed a letter or card to a family member or friend? That was an even longer time ago. I have used email since the early 2000s.

    5: Will postal delivery as we know it, exist in 25 years? Parcels probably, but letters? I doubt it.

    1. Very interesting, I didn't know that delivery was down to every other day.

  3. 1: Do you look at your incoming mail (post) everyday? Does this include e-mail? If paper mail comes I open it every day unless I recognise what the contents might be - then I might not bother. I do not look at my e-mail every day - sometimes every three days. Something like that.
    2: Do you have stamps to send mail readily at hand? Yes. We always have stamps in a little Indian wooden box.
    3: Can you remember the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend of family member? Yes. It was earlier this year from a second cousin called John who until very recently had never owned a computer.
    4: When was the last time you mailed a letter or card to a family member or friend? February of this year - a birthday card to my brother in France.
    5: Will postal delivery as we know it, exist in 25 years? I have no idea but I think not. E-mailing is immediate and costs nothing.

    1. I check email several times a day.

  4. 1. We rarely get anything - mostly ads and Val Packs. 99% of our mail goes in the trash.
    2. We do have stamps. My husband does. I'm not 100% sure where they are.
    3. Letter? No. I can't remember that.
    4. It would have been a condolence or birthday card. A letter? Decades ago.
    5. Doubtful.

    1. I would guess that 90% of what we receive is junk mail.

  5. 1: Do you look at your incoming mail (post) everyday? Yes. I look through it while walking back to the house and typically toss most of it in the trash before going in.
    2: Do you have stamps to send mail readily at hand? Yes and if a stamp catches my eye at the post office, I will buy a sheet.
    3: Can you remember the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend of family member? A post card from the Vatican from my daughter a couple weeks ago.
    4: When was the last time you mailed a letter or card to a family member or friend? Last week. Thank you notes to a couple people for their thoughtfulness.
    5: Will postal delivery as we know it, exist in 25 years? I hope so. Even though mail is full of mostly junk, that piece of personal mail sure brightens a day.

    1. I wish we could opt out of the junk mail. Some countries offer that,

  6. 1: Yes, I do.
    2: Yes, again, I do.
    3: My Uncle Johnny always send a handwritten note at year's end to welcome in the New Year.
    4: I have mailed a few since my dad died, to people who have been very helpful to me and are making the probate easier.
    5: I wonder; I like getting a letter or card every so often in the mail.

    1. We need to send more personal mail to keep the practice alive.

  7. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. I got get well cards from friends when I was sick.
    4. I send cards to family and friends for birthdays and Christmas.
    5. I don't know but I probably won't be here to worry about it.

  8. 1. I do check my mailbox almost every day. Mostly flyers and junk mail. An occasional bill. Once in a blue moon, actual personal correspondence.
    2. Yes, I always have stamps on hand.
    3. I have a friend who always sends me a handwritten letter in her Christmas card every year. That's about it for letters! I get an occasional card from my sister for various holidays.
    4. The last card I mailed was an Easter card to my sister, I believe. I also tend to mail get well cards and sympathy cards. Now, alas, much more common since I'm in an aging group of friends.
    5. Postal delivery as we know it will definitely be gone in 25 years. In Canada, our postal system is on the brink of bankruptcy right now.

    1. I have one credit card that sends me paper bills, and taxes come by mail.

  9. 1: Do you look at your incoming mail (post) everyday? Most of the time. I have to go to the mailboxes in a central location and sometimes I forget.
    2: Do you have stamps to send mail readily at hand? Yes, all the time.
    3: Can you remember the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend of family member? Probably about 3 months ago. I have a friend who writes the best thank you notes.
    4: When was the last time you mailed a letter or card to a family member or friend? Also, about three months ago.
    5: Will postal delivery as we know it, exist in 25 years? Probably not.

    1. I am surprised at the people I know, and don't have a postal address for.

  10. 1: Do you look at your incoming mail (post) everyday? no. only every few days; there is nothing in there of worth.
    2: Do you have stamps to send mail readily at hand? yes.
    3: Can you remember the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend of family member? No i don't recall.
    4: When was the last time you mailed a letter or card to a family member or friend? Not too long ago I wrote a letter of condolence to a friend of mine whose husband had died. I hope she got it.
    5: Will postal delivery as we know it, exist in 25 years? I won't be here to see.

    1. I should send more cards and letters.

  11. 1. Oh, yes, it's one of my few remaining pleasures.
    2. Yes, I do. My wife insists on them.
    3. Uh, what?
    4. Sorry, I can't remember.
    5. Will I be here in 25 years? Highly unlikely. I suspect the answer to postal delivery will be the same.

    1. Mail should be a daily pleasure.

  12. 1: Do you look at your incoming mail (post) everyday? Mostly everyday. We have mail box on the county road.

    2: Do you have stamps to send mail readily at hand? Yes.

    3: Can you remember the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend of family member? I have a friend who still send out note cards on regular bases. I get lovely little note cards.

    4: When was the last time you mailed a letter or card to a family member or friend? Believe it or not I have pen pal.

    5: Will postal delivery as we know it, exist in 25 years? I think postal system will change.

    1. I remember rural route delivery growing up.

  13. 1. See David's comment, but as I can go for two weeks without any mail, and I don't know which days our mail is delivered, I only check daily if I am expecting something important. Otherwise, about once a week.

    1. It is a long time since I've done anything premature.
      2. Yes.
      3. Early 2023, from my late mother.
      4. Often enough, normally birthday cards and Christmas cards. Well my late partner mostly did that. I will still send birthday cards.
      5. It is unlikely I'll be around in 25 years, but I think some form of personal delivery will exist. A birthday card is just a small parcel.

    2. There are those personal items like birthday cards.
