Wednesday, June 12, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday W's June 12th edition

Where have I been? Home, the gym, the grocery store, walks in the swamp and at Huntley Meadows. 

What have I been doing?  A draft report on one of the consulting projects was due late last week, and I finished that and shipped it.  I wrote a book review for an ABA publication. I continue to make progress on closet cleaning and organization.  I wonder where all all of the clothes came from.  

What about travel planning? We are starting to flesh out a driving trip in the early fall, to visit family and attend a wedding.  The big news, is I booked a transAtlantic cruise for next April.  A completely different itinerary, a large newer ship, and I didn't cheap out and bought the everything in included package.  Now to plan the rest of that adventure.  

Who have I seen? Last Friday was the first Friday LGBT gathering at the condo, Susan and Rafael joined us at least briefly.  Beyond that my sweet bear.  

Who have I reached out to?  Fred, a lawyer friend who had just finished a cruise on the line I was looking at, he had some very helpful input.  Sonia who works in my former office, she is just back to work from hip replacement surgery.  Trisha about a writing project for COLA.  

What am I reading? A book about islands in the Mediterranean. 

When is the next adventure?  Chicago in early August for a few days. 

Who deserves a slap this week?  The person who honked at me as I was checking for cross traffic before turning right on red at a traffic light. At least 3 out of 5 slaps, slap some patience into them. 

Who deserves a big Thank You! The vendors at the King Street Farmers Market, for sharing the early summer bounty.  


  1. Exciting! Another big trip. I don’t think I’ve ever planned that far in advance. It seems so grown up.

    1. On cruises, book early or last minute for the best prices.

  2. Another trans-Atlantic cruise? I didn't realise that you and Furry Hamster were trans! Will the entire crew also be trans?

    1. You know what is meant by the term.

    2. I thought you might chuckle David. Sorry for any offence caused.

  3. We call them wetlands now darling, not a swamp. Get with the project.
    What do people talk about at LGBT meetings?
    If I ever took another cruise, I would buy pay for everything. I lost out on our last cruise big time by not buying the drinks package. Days at sea were boring and what else to but have a g&t or two as I read a book poolside.

    1. There is a massive wetlands restoration project going on at Dyke Marsh, the swamp is making a comeback. We started organizing a monthly meet for a drink and dinner gathering for LGBT neighbors. The biggest gathering was a holiday party we threw a couple of years ago. We should do that again. Cocktails were about $15 each on the last cruise, I didn't buy many.

  4. The farmer's market here in town is my favorite spot to hit up on Saturdays, buying fresh fruit and veggies, locally grown, and baked goods from locals, and then off for an al fresco breakfast at King's Kitchen, a new spot opened up on Broad St, and ending with a walk through the local bookstore.

  5. Oh wow, another cross Atlantic cruise. Good for you.

    1. It was fun, we want to do that again.

  6. I live in a Chicago suburb (Naperville)! Are you coming to Chicago for a conference?
    Your travel plans are fancy! Your retirement is much more adventurous than mine has been!

    1. A conference at the Hyatt on Wacker.

  7. On a recommendation from YP, I've been reading "Shadowlands" about England's disappeared towns and villages. Fascinating!

    1. I am almost caught up with my to read pile, I may try that one.

  8. I am mad-jealous of the bounty !

    1. We, you and I, are living a good life.
