Thursday, May 05, 2022

Thursday Ramble: Unlocking the Future

John Gray is working on a list of new experiences for his 60th year, that ship has sailed from this port.  I was talking with the kitchen designer, a man who works way too many hours, and mentioned my hope of getting all of this done so I can retire.  He was serious when he asked what would you do with all of the time if you weren't working.  He really needs to take a day off now and then, once my kitchen is finished.  

So what adventures do I hope to unlock in the future? 

  • Travel on a sleeper train, overnight in a private compartment.  I never have, and I am not sure I will sleep well. But I should try it. 
  • Train trips broken up with overnight stays in nice hotels along the way.  From here to Philly is a nice ride, and there are great hotels there, then onto New York, north from there to Hudson, north Montreal, you get the idea,  Day trips by train between nice hotels.  My idea of roughing it is staying at a Holiday Inn.  
  • Driving cross country.  I have not done it since I was about 6.  Take my time, a week or ten days to cross the country, 200-300 miles a day.  No reason to rush. 
  • An afternoon alone on the water in a boat. 
  • A hot air balloon ride. 
  • Transatlantic on a ship
  • Asia
  • Silver casting and construction
  • Photo Exhibit 
  • Sort through the penny collection 
Well there are few ideas.  If I can find the time. 


  1. A transatlantic ship trip has always been something I wanted to do. There's still time!

  2. We’ve talked about this. I’ve never really understood how people can wonder what you’d do in retirement. What WON’T you do in retirement?

    1. I won't commute - but I could go ride the trains just for the fun of it.

  3. Anonymous5/05/2022

    I can assure you, if you are at all like me and others I know, you have far less time once you retire. It is not a bad thing. Everything expands to fill the time.

    1. I am confident I will stay busy and have fun in retirement

  4. I think for some people retirement is scary because they don't know how NOT to work. They may not have outside interests that feed their soul.
    You prove there are still trips to be made and experiences to have though that alone in a both kinda spooks me ... unless it a small body of water.

    1. I wonder how I find time to work so much

  5. That's a great list to work to achieve. I love all the travel ideas.

  6. I like your list! People who can't think how to fill free time except with more work lack imagination.

    1. Things I push aside while I work too much

  7. We all know how I feel about retirement, so I won't replay that broken record.
    As to your list, I also want to do all of the following:

    Travel on a sleeper train, overnight in a private compartment.
    Train trips broken up with overnight stays in nice hotels along the way. From .
    Drive cross country.
    Take a hot air balloon ride.

  8. I hope very much for you and Jay to get very specific when and how you accomplish this list. Otherwise it won't happen.
