Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Sunday Five: Easter Sunday

Happy Easter to those who observe. 

1: Did the Easter Bunny visit you this year? 

2: Do you eat a chocolate bunny ears first, tail first, feet first? 

3: Did you grow up with easter egg hunts? 

4: Did you decorate eggs this year? 

5: Who is more frightening the Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny! 

My Answers: 

1: Did the Easter Bunny visit you this year? There seems to be basket of goodies. 

2: Do you eat a chocolate bunny ears first, tail first, feet first?  Ears first, I am not a barbarian. 

3: Did you grow up with easter egg hunts?  No, a curiosity of why you would hide the eggs. 

4: Did you decorate eggs this year? No

5: Who is more frightening the Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny!  This bunny looked friendly cruising the mall the other day, looking for his next victim. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 



  1. Did the Easter Bunny visit you this year? Nope. I was on the list again.

    Do you eat a chocolate bunny ears first, tail first, feet first? Hollow and the ears first! I figure he can't hear the crushing then.

    Did you grow up with easter egg hunts? Yes, when I was young.

    Did you decorate eggs this year? Matter of fact I did color eggs yesterday.

    Who is more frightening the Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny! Santa! It was many years later I enjoyed and appreciated being tickled by a guy with a beard in certain places.

    1. I didn't know Santa and the Bunny shared lists.

  2. 1. Sort of. My partner gave me a mild chocolate bilby. Bilby will send people Googling.
    2. Ears go first, but that often makes the rabbit or bilby look like a rat.
    3. No. It is a modern thing, like hugging people.
    4. I am too busy being a retired person to decorate eggs.
    5. I've always thought there might be vermin in Santa's beard. Best to not get too close.

    1. Hugs from afar, Google worked

  3. 1: Did the Easter Bunny visit you this year? Sort of. SG came home with torrijas covered in dark chocolate.
    2: Do you eat a chocolate bunny ears first, tail first, feet first? I varied so no body part would feel slighted. (Seriously, I did.)
    3: Did you grow up with easter egg hunts? No.
    4: Did you decorate eggs this year? Not since coming to Spain. Maybe next year.
    5: Who is more frightening the Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny! The Easter Bunny doesn’t expect you to sit on his lap!

    1. The bunny above would have welcomed you sitting on his lap, or him sitting on yours.

  4. 1. He did not.
    2. I'm not sure I've ever had one.
    3. No.
    4. Never done it.
    5. Gotta go with the bun.

    1. You are, um, at least 30, long past time for someone to send you a chocolate bunny.

  5. 1. The Easter Bunny skipped me this year.
    2. Ears first!
    3. We didn't have Easter Egg hunts when I was a kid. Probably because it wasn't Spring yet. Still lots of snow on the ground in Canada at Easter usually.
    4. It's been quite a few years since I have coloured eggs.
    5. I saw an Easter Bunny at the mall last week. He looked pretty depressed. Kids don't flock to him like they do Santa.

    1. His brother was at the mall here (photo above) he seemed to be soliciting people to sit on his lap.

  6. Did the Easter Bunny visit you this year? Camden is not one of hbis stops ... or at least our house in Camden.

    Do you eat a chocolate bunny ears first, tail first, feet first? Ears, of course.

    Did you grow up with easter egg hunts? Yes we did ... in bad weather we were housebound, but most often it was around the backyard.

    Did you decorate eggs this year? We did not.

    Who is more frightening the Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny! The bunny always looks a bit ragged to me. i picture him smoking and drinking in a back alley somewhere.

    1. You should see the back alleys at Disney World,

  7. 1: Did the Easter Bunny visit you this year? Nope! I think this is an American thing - possibly created by Disney.
    2: Do you eat a chocolate bunny ears first, tail first, feet first? I have never eaten a chocolate bunny but I have eaten wild rabbit meat.
    3: Did you grow up with easter egg hunts? No. They weren't a thing when I was a child. Again probably invented by Disney.
    4: Did you decorate eggs this year? I can think of a rude response to this question but have decided to self-censor.
    5: Who is more frightening the Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny! Donald J.Trump is scarier than both figures. I believe that the J stands for Jackass.

    1. Thank you for self censoring, He who shall not be named, gives jackasses a bad reputation.

  8. 1: Did the Easter Bunny visit you this year? No, but I did buy a beautiful box of chocolates just for me.
    2: Do you eat a chocolate bunny ears first, tail first, feet first? Ears first, of course.
    3: Did you grow up with easter egg hunts? Yes, when the weather was nice.
    4: Did you decorate eggs this year? No, I haven't done that in years.
    5: Who is more frightening the Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny! Neither, they are both cuddly.

    1. Buying what you want is a fun part of being an adult.

  9. 1. I have 2 baskets for my grandsons that are coming over today.
    2. I don't eat chocolate much as it gives me headaches!
    3. Yes, we would hide them in the house and sometimes we would lose count and discover an old stinky one weeks later...!
    4. No
    5. No opinion?!!

    1. The eggs will let you know where they are, sooner or later.

  10. 1. Nope, no bunny, honey.
    2. Hmmm, it's been so long I forget.
    3. Yes, when I was very young.
    4. No.
    5. I think I'd have to say the Easter Bunny. I fear any rodent with huge sharp teeth.

    1. Chocolate bunnies will be on sale today, try one.
