Monday, April 01, 2024

Moody Monday: Embrace the Essence of New Beginnings

 I once remarked that I am not a practitioner of any organized religion, that drew a response, "you must be a Baptist, they are about as disorganized as anyone could be."  Avoiding the hocus-pocus of gods, there are some central values that if practiced can make the world a better place. 

One of the underlying themes of Easter, is new beginnings, starting over, . . . fresh life.  Many of us live bound by the past.  Be it origin, or past acts, tragedies, or mistakes - these things weigh us down and cast a dark shadow over today and the future many. 

Just as the sun rises each morning, we can leave behind the darkness of the past, and start anew. Origin is not destiny.  Make amends and apologize for the past, and move on committing to do better in the future. Let the sunshine in, move on, do better, enjoy today.  

So how is my mood?  Bright and moving forward.  


  1. God or no God, your line of "there are some central values that if practiced can make the world a better place." saya it all. Perfect and so true.

    I'm like you and don't practice a religion... but I enjoy Easter...for me it's a celebration of new life, renewal and to celebrating spring.

  2. Origin is not destiny. Truth!

    1. Thankfully, I have come a long way from the farm.

  3. The perfect attitude for Spring, the season of renewal and rebirth!

    1. I am looking forward to warm days.

  4. Sounds like the beginning of a brand new religion - Godfreyism! Where do we donate and will you be publishing a new edition of "The Bible" including the tenets of Godfreyism and the Michigan state song?
    How fair the bosom of thy lakes,
    Michigan, my Michigan.
    What melody each river makes,
    Michigan, my Michigan.
    As to thy lakes, the rivers tend,
    Thine exiled children to thee send
    Devotion that shall never end,
    Oh, Michigan, my Michigan.

    1. When I left Michigan in 1977 there were signs along the expressway saying, "would the last person to leave Michigan, please remember to turn off the lights."

    2. But now the lights of Godfreyism shine into every heart.

  5. You can be a non-member of a church, or organized religion, and still have a faith and spirituality and be a good person.
    If you aren't a good person inherently, no religion will make you one.

    1. All too many, not good people, think they are because they show up on Sunday and support the charlatans.

  6. We had rain all day yesterday and more today. Nature is creating a fresh start for Phoenix.

  7. The fact that some "christians" are following Trump shows are far they have veered from the message of their Jesus. I quit religion years ago and don't miss it at all. I can "love one another" and be kind to others without it.

    1. So many evil people who think they are better than the rest.

  8. This was a great post for the day after Easter. Very uplifting!

    1. Thank you, it was written kind of fast, would benefit from editing.

  9. Zen, my friend, zen.

  10. Love your neighbor is universal, with or without religion.

  11. That makes sense as you come into spring, less so for us as we head into autumn.
