Wednesday, April 10, 2024

My World of Wonders aka the Wednesday Ws - the why there edition


What is the firetruck doing there?  The drivers, one at the front and one at the back, were practicing backing in a tight spaces.  

Someone asked Why I was in Cincinnati Ohio last week?  Simple answer, someone paid me (paid well at that) to be there. 

Where am I going this week?  Into the city to the Old Ebbit Grill to have lunch with the daughter of one of my old high school friends.  Her mother died a couple of years ago, after a long struggle with poor health.  

What have I been reading?  Not much, I started a book on my Kindle, but have not finished anything in 10 days. 

What have I been eating?  Last week in Cincinnati I was with people who believed that two things kept consultants happy, great food, and paying them well.  Mexican food, Italian food, seafood, subs, salads, and order what ever wine you want.  Since I have been home, I have been cooking again. 

What surprised me?  I was quiet, asking questions and listening.  A couple of times I said, I could tell war stories, but my role this week is to hear your stories. 

Who have I communicated with? Spo, Andrew, my sister, my middle brother, the team, the friend we are having lunch with, it was a good week for trading messages.  Late last week was not a good time for reading blogs, time was tight, I have been catching up. 

What am I listening to? 70's soft rock at the moment. 

Who deserves a "way to go!" this week?  American Airlines, the flights were early, in both directions. 

Who deserves a big Thank You! this week? The owner of zTrip taxi in Cincinnati and Louisville.  I got to talking to the guy in the z-Trip polo shirt while waiting for a taxi at the airport in Cincinnati - a long wait about 10 minutes but it went fast with a nice person to talk with.  Turns out he co-owns the regional franchise and he was more disappointed in the wait than I was, he comped the taxi ride to the hotel (it was 19 miles.)  They are really trying to improve service. 

What made me strangely sad this week?  Listening to the Carpenters Greatest Hits. Such a great talent, Karen Carpenter died of anorexia. We are so body image driven that people die needlessly from it.  Be kind to everyone, of every shape, including yourself.  You are all beautiful just the way you are.  


  1. "You are all beautiful just the way you are" - How can you be absolutely sure that Donald Trump does not read this illustrious blog?

    1. Maybe he would stop spray tanning and doing unnatural things with his hair, and be a little happier as a result.

  2. Sounds like a full and fun week.

    1. It was, a couple of long days.

  3. Karen Carpenter had such a beautiful voice. She died too young and it was a tragic loss.

    1. And Social Media is packed with unrealistic body images

  4. My daughter battled anorexia in high school. It took a long time but the amazing doctors at Cincinnati Children's Hospital got her back to wellness. It's a horrible disorder.

    1. Good care can help, and society needs to change.

  5. I love Karen Carpenter's voice; so pure. Sad that her life ended so tragically.

  6. I remember Mr. Rogers telling me, "I like you just the way you are." There were so many days when I was a young mom that I really needed to hear that!
    Have a good week! :)

    1. I missed Mr. Rogers as a child, PBS didn't come the farm until I was in my late teens.

  7. Talk about backing up into tight spaces.

    1. It takes practice to do it well

  8. Sounds like you had a great trip to Cincinnati, paid well and fed well too! Can't beat that. I agree about Karen Carpenter. She was an amazing talent lost way, way too early. That taxi company went out to the way to make it right. They deserve a pat on the back.

    1. Cincinnati was a good trip, now to write the report.

  9. When I was young, I was offered money to be at a certain place at a certain time at times. I usually declined.
    The flights did not depart early and leave people behind, I hope.
    Karen Carpenter has such a pure voice and she was such a great loss.

  10. Oh, the joy of being a consultant. I remember hating them but I guess everyone needs to be somewhere.
