Monday, April 22, 2024

Moody Monday: Feeling Springy

Spring is the season of new beginnings, rebuilding, refreshing.  I had a delightful walk in Huntley Meadows the other day, the dogwoods were blooming with all of the new leaf growth.  If feels very springy here.  

The Condo is also undergoing a bit of refreshing.  The lobbies and hallways are heated and cooled by massive industrial units on the roof of the towers.  A dozen of them in all.  The units are original to the buildings - so they are about 35 years old.  Plans have been underway to replace and update them for a couple of years.  And last week the old units were lowered to the ground, and new units lifted into place. We had a ringside seat, the photo above was taken from the sliding glass doors of our balcony with a 10mm super wide angle lens.  The crew worked for about 4 hours, about 50 feet from our backdoor.  

Feeling refreshed and renewed and ready for adventure. 



  1. Hopefully the new units will more economical to run with 35 year technology jump.
    We've watched all rooftop equipment removed from an 80s hotel and it looks like we will loose some more of our minor views if as I suspect, the building will be demolished.
    I once snuck up onto our rooftop while abseiling window washers were working away. It was quite interesting to see but such a long time ago, I can't remember much.

    1. When I was buying here, the REALTOR took me onto the roof to see where the AC compressor is located. There are 250 of them on the roof.

  2. Massive units! I can feel the heating and cooling down here!

    1. There are there of them that size on each building.

  3. Those new units + the installation must have cost an awful lot of money but who pays the bill?

    1. The unit owners, the slightly over 1,000 apartments (flats) are privately owned, we each pay a monthly fee, a part of which goes into a fund for replacement of common elements. In over 35 years of operation, the reserve fund has always covered the costs, there has never been a special assessment. A few years ago we replaced 12 elevators (lifts.) One of the reasons I bought here, is the finances are very well managed.

  4. Lots of excitement going on!

    1. Last Thursday was fun to watch, I had ring side seats.

  5. It's a time of renewals and it sounds like you are very receptive.

    1. It has been a great spring in many ways.

  6. You have a good attitude! I need to perk up more and not worry so much about the future.

    1. I plan for the future, but try not to spend energy on things I can't change, or may never happen.

  7. I have a half a day at work today and then a bunch of us are going to do litter control on roadways and byways. Then I'm heading home the toil in the garden a little. Happy Earth Day.

    1. Be careful bending over in the sun.

  8. I wouldn't have liked to have had my car parked under that crane-hoisted unit.

    1. The crazy lady downstairs (every big building has one) was finally persuaded at the last minute to move her car, we were hoping that they would move it for her and park it on the roof or someplace fun.

  9. You have a spring in your step and it will keep on getting springier!

    1. Ah yes, someday my ship will come in . . . Sunday if it is on schedule.

  10. Replies
    1. I keep binoculars on the terrace. The one sitting down looking at his phone spends a lot of time in the gym.

  11. there is nothing like a new frock to brighten up your day.

    1. And watching the installers work was kinda fun.
