Wednesday, March 20, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday Ws March 20, 2024

Where have I been? A couple of walks in Old Town Alexandria, Mt. Vernon, and Piscataway Park - on the Maryland side across the Potomac River from Mt. Vernon. On Saturday we went for a walk and lunch at Gadsbys Tavern , we hosted lunch there when we got married.  

What has pleased me this week?  A large number of comments several days in a row.  It is always nice to hear from people. 

What have I accomplished?  I booked the last of the train tickets for a May adventure, I had been working on it for a while, and kept getting a message that more trains would be available soon.  I signed up for a notice when additional trains were available (SCNF) and I did get an email.  The French train reservations system is easy to navigate and user friendly for those living outside of France (England, Spain and Italy should look at this model.) 

What is new?  I had my hair cut last Friday, it needed it.  I went someplace new, our stylist disappeared and this week the salon we had been using announced they are closing after almost 30 years.  The cut looks good. My hair has a strange texture and is not easy to cut well.  

What am I reading? Lots, currently "About Us" a collection of essays by persons with disabilities published in the New York Times. Next up after that are a couple of novels.  

When is the next adventure? The first week in April I am going to Cincinnati, Ohio for a consulting job.  I will have a few hours free on the first day, I may slip over the Art center. 

Who have I talked with?  I had a call with the team for the Ohio project, and a board meeting for my former employer. I called my middle brother. 

What else did I get done? I filed out taxes and middle brother's taxes.  TurboTax is getting more and more of a pain to use.  

Who deserves a slap this week?  One of our neighbors apparently had an early flight on Saturday.  The Taxi pulled up out front for a 6:30 AM pickup and set idling right under my bedroom window until 6:38, then there were loud voices as the neighbor emerged and talked with taxi driver.  2 out of 5 slaps.  Don't keep the taxi waiting, and if you are waiting, turn your engine off.  


  1. I’ve never been to Cincinnati. That tree is a wonder!

    1. There is a great Art Museum in Cincinnati, nice zoo, and a small botanical garden.

  2. Gorgeous tree. Our dogwoods and crepe myrtles and azaleas and daffodils and the "popcorn" tree and fire bushes are all in bloom so we have lots of color in the yard and around town.
    Makes me smile.

    1. It reminded me of the pear tree in my grandparents front lawn.

  3. What a magnificent tree in that photo!

  4. I'm finishing up reading "Caste" which has been interesting but sad to read but much more sad to have lived so I can't complain at all.
    I have daffodils, purple violets, and grape hyacinths blooming so, even tho it is chilly here - it's feeling like Spring to me.

    1. I have heard about "Caste" it sounds like a difficult topic.

  5. That tree in your photo is stunning! Beautiful shot.

    1. Thanks, it was a great opportunity.

  6. Why didn't you open the window and shout, "SHUT THE **** UP!" ? Mind you, it might not be such a sensible idea in a country where every other person carries a loaded gun!
