Monday, March 04, 2024

Moody Monday: Feed Your Mind

There is a lot of depressing crap in the world, but there is also a lot of positivity in the world. To some extent, I can control what I let in, and what I block out.  

I select the news stories I want to read, those that will inform me, and those shut out those that I will not read.  I am very selective on what television I watch, I select things that will feed my mind, or entertain me.  As my mother's dementia progressed she found refuge in sitcoms, the rauncher the better (Two and Half Men was a favorite.) My father didn't get it, he went to the other room and played solitaire on the computer with Faux News for background noise.  

I find some great content on YouTube.  Amazing content by independent content producers who are doing amazing work, travel, or thinking.  There is also a lot of crap on YT.  It is my choice what I watch and what I avoid.  

I just logged my 17th book read in 2024. I select books that feed my mind, and sooth my psyche. I know that not all books will do this. I am very much enjoying having plenty of time and energy to read. I'd like to think that I am still learning. And each time I go to the library or the book store I am looking for books that will add rainbows to my life.  

I almost always have music playing in the background.  I guess it is selective hearing, or maybe some undiagnosed brain fart, but music can play while I read or write, or study.  When some music plays, it brings back memories of what I was doing when I listened to it. 

My music taste is eclectic, from classical, to country, to rock, to folk, and a little bit of todays music.  I generally avoid music that is angry, or violent.  I don't need to feed my mind with anger, or violence. No one needs to feed their mind with that.  

I read someplace that "some people walk in the rain, others just get wet." I like that, enjoy the walk, you will dry off. 



  1. I am sure we agree that there are some incredibly talented non professional YouTube creators. Aside from news, I would be quite content now to only watch YouTube rather than tv.
    I am not fussed to listen to music in the background. I like watching music clips, again on YouTube.

    1. There is a lot of talent on YouTube,

  2. I’ve got a little rainbow theme coming later today as well! Great minds, as they say. I love having music playing in the background, but if I was working or if I’m writing it has to be instrumental and not related to any lyrics or I start singing along in my head and get completely distracted.

    1. Avoiding lyrics is probably best practice for me,

  3. Some people thrive on the negativity. I take some of it in, because I need to know what's out there, and then take myself somewhere positive and peace-filled ... a chat with Carlos, a cat in the lap, a good book or a sweet piece of music.

    1. The challenge is to control the intake, much more so than 20 years ago.

  4. I love a good walk in the rain . As long as it's warm out, who cares. And your right, I find myself tuning out news more and more.

    1. Soon the Woods will be calling you for a spring stroll.

    2. HA HAHA !!!! They just booked me for five weekends!!!!!

  5. Very wise to filter out the negativity of the world.

  6. I need silence for full concentration when reading. 17 books this year is most admirable.

  7. I also limit my news intake. I usually watch PBS Newshour during the week but I avoid the news on weekends. And, I read the NY Times during the week but not on the weekend. I enjoy a nice walk in the rain.

    1. I look at the online edition of the Washington Post every day.

  8. I love to read and have tried to vary my reading genres a bit this year which has turned out well. I enjoy mysteries but have ventured into non-fiction a bit and that's been good. "Black AF History" was enlightening but sad. "Making it So" is enjoyable as I like Sir Patrick Stewart!

    1. I just read a Hemingway novel, Garden of Eden,

  9. Such an uplifting start to the week...thank you!

  10. I'm behind in my reading this year.
