Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Thursday Ramble: Stressed and Breaking 78

The cable above is part of post tension concrete reinforcement system. It is failing, because the cable was placed too close to the surface, water has gotten to it causing the cable to corrode and expand. I first saw this system being used in the late 1980's, it was cheap and fast, and allowed lighter construction. The experienced engineers talking off the record, said it was a short cut, that would likely fail.  And 35-40 years later they are being proven correct.  

I could go on about this, in fact I just deleted a geek paragraph explanation - if I go there you will fall asleep.  

The lesson learned is that quality lasts.  It may take a little longer, or cost a little more, it may not be as thin and stylish, but it lasts.  

There is a lot in life that falls into that. Do it right, make it last, do it once in a way that will last.  


  1. In Victorian England public buildings were built to last using quality materials. In today's England, the philosophy is usually get it up quick and as cheaply as possible, turning a blind eye to the future - 25, 50 or 100 years hence.

    1. It's the same here Yorkshire. I have friends that bough these homes going up quickly, and already have had to repair or replace faulty items or other issues, having been living in their homes less than two years.

    2. YP- back in our day - we were built to last.

  2. I couldn't agree more. It's always beyond me why anyone settles for cheap lousy made homes, cheap disposable clothing, and cheap furniture. It never lasts, and who wants to replace stuff every couple years? Like you said do it right the first time and make it last. I have no problem spending the extra for quality.

    When I worked out Bloomies in NJ they needed a new roof that kept leaking in the store for close to two years. Ruined ceilings, walls and carpeting. Which had to be kept getting replaced and repainted. They kept up with patch jobs, which I found out were even more than just doing it right and getting a whole new roof. Only to find the patches didn't help, and then they finally replaced the roof. But after spending how much more then needed to be? Corporate places are the worst. They want to bring in the money, but then don't want to spend money to keep their propriety nice.

    1. You can do quality - fast - the last house I built in Orlando was built in 71 days - and good quality - asking lots of favor of the subs. Don't get me started on corporate budgets.

  3. I would have liked to read your geek paragraph. Don't dumb down.

  4. The school where I worked last was built in the 70s. It looked ugly, and was built with very poor quality. The windows don't even open!

    1. Ugly and falling down, reminds me of someone

  5. Do it right the first time. So one doesn't have to do it again.

    1. Ah! Like marriage...

    2. WH- some of us get it right the second time

  6. As I learned from Carlos, "Lo barato sale caro" ... the cheap comes out expensive.

  7. You made me think about that toaster that my mom and dad got for a wedding present and they sill used it 55 years later. I can't get a toaster to last more than two or three years.

    1. I could write a chapter about toasters.

  8. Alas quality seems few and far between. It seems most is made shoddy so you will buy more.
