Wednesday, October 25, 2023

My World of Wonders aka The Wednesday W's October 25th edition 72

Where have I been? Omaha, Nebraska, it is out there in the middle of the country.  Duty called, and we answered. 

Where to next? Chicago and northern Indiana. 

Why? Speaking at conferences, and adding in a visit with family. 

Any good Walks this week? Dyke Marsh on Saturday - a nice walk in the swamp - no eagles but I saw three very large spiders. Sunday was old Town Alexandria, and a cemetery that has been planting since 1795. 

What have I been baking? A week ago, friends brought us a wonderful lasagna, someplace I read that always return the dish full, so I got up Sunday morning and baked a pumpkin, pumpkin spice cake, with a pumpkin spice buttercream frosting,  then I felt guilty that sweetie bear woke up to the smell of baked goods that were not for him, so I made cinnamon rolls with the same pumpkin spice buttercream frosting.  

Who have a talked with? My colleague Beth, tons of people in Nebraska, an interesting guy who sat next to me on a plane. 

What it is in the plans?  Karl who has a YouTube channel from Iceland is going to be in DC a month from now and posted looking for ideas of what to do. I offered a few suggestions and closed with, let me know and I will buy you a beer.  He responded and it looks like we will meet up. His video of staying at the Hotel Geysir with his lovely wife - offered great tips on what was the best hotel of the this year.  By the way, if you are going to be in the DC area, let me know.  

What milestone happened this week?  I received my first pension check, from a job I left many years ago.  I need to sort out why it was directly deposited into my account, and remember to deposit it.  

Why didn't I comment on my usual blogs last Friday?  Sorry, I overslept, and had a busy day with travel that stretched until midnight.  

What am I reading? Round Here and Over Yonder by Trae Crowder and Cory Forrester, and I finished Travels with Charley, by John Steinbeck. 

Who deserves a slap this week? A couple of the cronies of He Who Must Not Be Named seem to have gotten those in Georgia this past week.  Now I hope they testify against the rest of the basket of deplorables.  

Who deserves an atta-boy this week?  General Counsel's office reviewed and approved a couple of funding agreements - thank you. 



  1. If you baked cinnamon rolls for SG, he'd follow you anywhere.

    1. You give the cats their treats, and they follow you anywhere, I see a pattern here.

  2. Cinnamon rolls with pumpkin spice buttercream frosting...there's a bit of heaven right there!

  3. I didn't know Trae Crowder had written a book -- I'll have to check it out!

    1. Britney Spears has a new biography out.

  4. I have never heard about returning the dih full, but it's a lovely idea and I'll have to remember it.
    Your cake and cinnamon rolls sound fabulous.

    1. I will have to try the cinnamon rolls again, my first time with that kind of a yeast dough

  5. Bravo! First pension check !

    1. They mailed me a paper check, I need to remember to take it to the bank
