Saturday, October 07, 2023

The Saturday Morning Post: We Can Do Better 90

We, you and I, can do better, we need to do better, 
We need to speak up about what is right
About what is kind and gentle. 
We need to seek fairness for everyone,
We need to help those who need help,
We need to give our fare share. 

Time has shown that the rich get richer, 
But our tax system has unfairly tilted for those who have the most,
We bought into the lie that if the rich paid less in tax, they would create jobs and everyone would prosper, what has happened is a concentration of wealth, by people who do not pay what they should pay for the general good. 
It is easier for the rich to get richer, without paying their fare share. 

We allow the paranoid among us to dictate weapons policies
That leads to the murder of many more than are saved 
It is past time that we demand better, 
That we not twist the Constitution to protect the few, at the cost of the many. 

Our immigration policies are a disaster, 
Long have been, 
Nearly all of us are the product of immigration, of colonization 
Yet we allow an irrational fear of other people, 
To dictate immigration policy.  
Will immigrants change the country, I don't know, ask the Algonquin  what happened when my English ancestors arrived. 

There are nearly twice as many job openings in the United States, as there are unemployed adults.  If every unemployed adult found a job, we would still be short by about 4,000,000 workers.  Don't tell me that Bubba can't get a job because someone from someplace else took it.  If Bubba can't get a job, either he is not trying, or he is unemployable.  

We can do better. 
We must do better. 
Vote - never miss an election. 



  1. It is set out like a poem but it doesn't sound like a poem. As a lifelong Americophile, it pains me to see what is happening over there - a bonfire of truths that were "self-evident" and the more you go down that crooked road the harder it will be to get back. God Bless America indeed!

    1. In the late 50's it was the red scare, in the early 70's it was Nixon and a war no one wanted, in the 90's it was Gingrich and the contract with America (I didn't sign that) we will prevail, but we need to work on it.

  2. To me your post is kind of a motherhood writing, but it is not because clearly many of your fellow citizens don't believe motherhood is good. That is, don't recognise the wrongs in society. I am not sure where your country is headed, but with recent history, it is not looking good and how else to react than just look after yourself as best you can.

    1. There is an undercurrent, that are afraid to admit that anything has ever been wrong, or needed to change.

  3. Those last four words are everything we need know.

    1. We have a state election in a month

  4. Your photo and your words create a strong message. I'm afraid for our country.

    1. Putin wants us to fail, cutting aid to Ukraine is part of his strategy

  5. People need to smarten up, that's for sure. But will they? WILL THEY?
