Monday, October 23, 2023

Moody Monday: Shedding what it weighing you down 74

Recently on a cold, but sunny Sunday morning, I went out for a walk to blow the cobwebs out of my brain. I wanted something different, I often do an hour on the treadmill, time to catch up on YouTube videos, a habit, a good habit, but still the same thing several times a week.  So on that windy morning, I took the bridge across the River, parked and walked trail along the shore.  It was good, the change of scene and silence of the walk lulls my brain into new thoughts, and cases away the baggage of the day, the week, the month.  

Along the side of the trail, I spotted the ankle weights, left on the side of the trail.  At times the extra burden of added weight helps us to build our strength.  At times it is just an extra burden weighing us down.  Apparently someone decided at that point in time on that trail, that the burden was not building them up, but weighing them down. The weights were dropped on the side of the trail.  

My walk that morning, was an unburdening, leaving the weights on my mind, invisibly along the side of the trail. 

Take the walk, 

Talk to the friend, 

Send the text message, 

Spend time with others that bring you joy, 

Spend time alone, 

If you are carrying a burden, let it build your strength, and then leave it along the side of the trail.  


  1. I like the idea of leaving the [ankle weight] burden on the side of the road.

  2. All good advice! Only we know when to take the weight on and when to lose it. Personally I love when weights have been lifted.

  3. I note, you did not pick up the free weights for your own use.

  4. Great advice all. Get out and see what's out there, even if it is leftover ankle weights!

    1. A couple of great walks this past weekend.

  5. A thoughtful and poetic post!

  6. "I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

    1. Another good work to read often

  7. To quote one of my favorite Project Managers "Cut them loose!" Christina got stuff done.

    Will Jay

    1. Some people need to be cut lose
