Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Sunday Five: Round Things

 1: Where you any good at catching balls when you were young? 

2: How are your ball handling skills today? 

3: Is basketball rude? 

4: Have you ever hit a baseball? 

5: What is your favorite game with a ball? 

My answers: 

1: Where you any good at catching balls when you were young?  Not really, I had a fear of being hit in face. 

2: How are your ball handling skills today? Non-existent 

3: Is basketball rude? They get in one another's way 

4: Have you ever hit a baseball? Only a few times, even a blind squirrel will find a nut once in a while.  

5: What is your favorite game with balls?  Hmm? It is Super Bowl Sunday. 

Please share your answers in the comments, I expect a couple of you will have answers that are not suitable for work, 


  1. 1. I was horrible. I did Little League in 3rd grade. Never went back.
    2. Actually, we have mitts and a hard ball. We dont' go out and throw much anymore (dog!) but my coordination has gotten much better.
    3. I played basketball for one year too. Hated it. Still don't watch it. Most sports are 'rude'.
    4. I have. And not just in T-ball!
    5. Sex.

    1. I did one season of little league, and never again

  2. 1: Where you any good at catching balls when you were young? I was not.
    2: How are your ball handling skills today? Pretty much the same; always say, "The Gays don't catch."
    3: Is basketball rude? I thin k t's rude they stopped wearing the short shorts.
    4: Have you ever hit a baseball? I have; several times.
    5: What is your favorite game with a ball? Blobby took the answer from me, though, in most cases, four balls are involved.

    1. Ah yes, the shorts, if I were in charge. I was thinking the last question would draw some fun answers.

  3. 1. No. I always closed my eyes.
    2. I can only handle the soft squishy balls these days. Arthritis you know.
    3. I find all pushing and shoving to be rude.
    4. Yes, I was very good with a bat. I was forced away from my books, periodically.
    5. Nowadays, my favorite game with a ball is keep away. Close second is dodge ball (insert filthy smirk here)

    1. Here I am stimulating creative minds.

  4. 1: Where you any good at catching balls when you were young? No, always the last to be picked for the team.
    2: How are your ball handling skills today? About the same
    3: Is basketball rude? Most sports are.
    4: Have you ever hit a baseball? A few times.
    5: What is your favorite game with a ball? I don't have one.

  5. 1: Where you any good at catching balls when you were young? So so.
    2: How are your ball handling skills today? No clue.
    3: Is basketball rude? Well, boring.
    4: Have you ever hit a baseball? Yes! Several times. And I never got home because all the kids that fellowed (the real boys) struck out.
    5: What is your favorite game with a ball? Um... Never mind.

    1. Often the real boys strike out.

  6. 1. No. That thing is gonna hurt if it hits me. Flee!
    2. Oh dear. A very qualified good.
    3. Basketball looks rather aggressive to me.
    4. No. Maybe I hit a softball when I was young.
    5. Billiards I think.

    1. Billiards was my grandfather's game

  7. Where you any good at catching balls when you were young? Yes!!!

    How are your ball handling skills today? All the men say they are top notch!

    Is basketball rude? What is Basket ball?

    Have you ever hit a baseball? No, but I have made it to all bases and had hoe runs! I meant homeruns.

    What is your favorite game with a ball? Well, it isn't on no field, let's say that.

    1. I was waiting for your answers
