Monday, February 06, 2023

Moody Monday: On Optimism

Spo, the dear, recently posted a pessimistic essay on optimism.  Of course this gets me to thinking. Perfect topic for a moody Monday. 

Life is not perfect.  I am not devastatingly good looking, I am not idle rich, I do not live in paradise, I have a bit of a strange family, there are a couple of health challenges, at times my work drives me crazy, not everyone agrees with me, a few people actively disagree with me. 

So be it.  When the sun rises each morning, I have an opportunity to make today a better day. 

Life may not be the perfect party we hoped for, but while I am here I might as well dance and have fun (and I don't dance gracefully.) So I dance like nobody's watching (or laughing).  As I put in my comment, shit happens. 

For me, happiness is a choice. It is an inside job.  It is how I respond to the world. 

How are optimism and happiness related.  Optimism is a belief that  good things will come in the future; things that will bring me joy and happiness in the future.  No matter what happens in the future, I will cope, I will deal with it, I will chose to respond in a way that brings me happiness. 

Decades ago I read something that encouraged the reader to be a "good finder." Look for the good in people, look for the good in circumstances.  

Be optimistic for the future.  I know I will die someday.  I know I am getting older and my body is showing signs of age, of a life filled with adventures that have left a few marks along the way. My days as eye candy, are behind me. And that is okay, I am comfortable in my skin, imperfect as it is, it is home to this being for the time being. I could be negative about this, but I chose to live each day, each adventure without knowing if there will be another one.  

We have a little money saved.  Actually more than a little.  Not that we couldn't spend it all, but when we die who cares if we have? We have set it aside so we can have a few years of fun after our work lives are finished.  I am not the idle rich, I was not born with a trust fund. I have met a few people who were, and money is no guarantee of optimism or happiness.  Some of them are miserable. If needed, we could live well with less and still enjoy life. If we die before we spend it all, a couple of Universities will be happy for an hour or two.  

Politics are always going to be weird.  The pendulum swings from one extreme to the other, and at the outside of both things get weird, then it swings back the middle.  The framers of the Constitution did a pretty good job of putting in a system of checks and balances, and elections every other year even out the swings.  Probably best to vote, make your voice heard, and know that sooner or later it will all settle back in the middle. 

If I am optimistic, it is because I chose to not let the nastiness, the potential for disaster ruin my day.  I am here today, I will enjoy today, for no one knows what if anything tomorrow will bring.  


  1. Great post! My dearly departed grandmother always said live each day like it's your last.

    1. and sooner or later you will be right

  2. I like your optimism. But I've seen how non terminal ill health can overwhelm people to the point of depression. Not everyone has the wherewithal to be positive and cheerful. But you've done well for yourself, a nice home, adequate money and with a good relationship partner. Many would be envious.

    1. We all have much to be happy with

  3. You have a great attitude. Your last sentence is a perfect summary.

    1. The sun is rising again this morning, it didn't explode overnight,

  4. I have said before, all you really get in life is happiness and it's up to you to use it.
    That said, I would never choose perfection; the perfect job has no story; if everyone agrees with me, their is no conversation; without a health issue here or there, there is no joy at the good days.
    In the movie The Four Seasons, Alan Alda tells his movie wife, Carol Burnett, that she's perfect, and she replies, "How dare you."
    Perfect, as she explained, is generally unnoticed, because while your eye may spot the perfect rose, it's the one with the browns edge that keeps your eye. Imperfect is interesting.
    Luckily for me, I am far from prefect!

    1. Love it, well said, I will use parts of this. I learn so much from you all.

  5. What a great attitude! I feel the same. I'm far from wealthy when measured in dollars but I am wealthy in other ways. And those other things matter.

    1. A fun life is the greatest wealth

  6. Yeah, life is too short to be a grumpy bastard. Enjoy what we have while we have it!

  7. Here! Here! (And Ditto!)

