Sunday, November 06, 2022

The Sunday Five: On Writing

Doc Spo, the dear, recently posted an essay on writing.*  And posts like that get me to thinking and I ask myself questions, and I can share those questions and you can share your answers. 

1: Does writing for a blog, qualify as writing? 

2: Will I ever publish a book? 

3: Does my name on a by-line matter?

4: Professional journal articles, love them, like them, hate them? 

5: What motivates you to write? 

My answers: 

1: Does writing for a blog, qualify as writing?  Yes, words organized in somewhat grammatical order, that convey a meaning is writing. 

2: Will I ever publish a book? Doubtful, I think about writing a book about food, I have no remaining interest in a book about my work (another sign it is time for me to retire when I can.) Few photo books make money and my photographs seldom rise the level of what gets published.  

3: Does my name on a by-line matter? I should think no, but honestly, YES.  I try to write things that I would like others to think were my ideas.  

4: Professional journal articles, love them, like them, hate them? Hate them, most start with the history of the issue from the big bang, and by the time they get to the point of WHAT IS NEW, the reader has lost all interest.  I don't like reading them, and I loath writing them.  I am done with them. (I have two book chapters coming out this year, one on LGBTQ health care decision making and one on drafting oversight and safety into legal documents, those are more fun to write.) 

5: What motivates you to write? I promised myself I would write 365 blog posts a year, and I do, and I plan to continue to do so.  On my professional writing it is either something I need to do, or something I want to do because I think people need to read it.  The latter are often easier to write.  

Please share your answers in the comments, you can be shorter or longer than I was. 

* If you are going to be in Phoenix you should make arrangements to buy him dinner, he is well over four-feet tall and very engaging to talk with.  



  1. 1. An interesting question and I suppose it is but in a way it is easy writing. There isn't much research to do as you would for non fiction and there is no plot construction as you would for a novel.
    2. No, although I used to ponder writing a children's book.
    3. In my case yes, but that is because it is a blog and people know my name.
    4. If it is about something that interests me, yes.
    5. Pure enjoyment. I may not do it terribly well but I like writing.

    1. Maybe I should add a plot line to this adventure

  2. 1: Does writing for a blog, qualify as writing? I think it does. Some approach it differently.
    2: Will I ever publish a book? You? Probably. Me? Probably not.
    3: Does my name on a by-line matter? It’s satisfying.
    4: Professional journal articles, love them, like them, hate them? Love them when they’re good and of interest to me.
    5: What motivates you to write? Self-expression. Release. Helps me process my thoughts. I like playing with words.

    1. Often I don't really understand, until I write about something

  3. Does writing for a blog, qualify as writing? Yes...I think so.

    2: Will I ever publish a book? Probably not...but some friends want me to right a memoir about my drag and club days some of my sexcapdes that are entertaining.

    3: Does my name on a by-line matter?not to me.

    4: Professional journal articles, love them, like them, hate them? Depends the subject. I don't read a lot of them.

    5: What motivates you to write? The connection to people.

    1. You life story could be interesting, and entertaining.

  4. 1. I post every day. I put words to 'paper' more than most authors. It's writing!
    2. Only if I self-publish.
    3. Sure. it's your work. Get the credit.
    4. I pretty much ignore them. Who has the time?
    5. OCD mostly.

    1. You are on my daily list to read,

  5. 1. Yes, I think writing a blog qualifies as "writing." No need to be snobbish about it, LOL -- writing is writing.
    2. I have no ambition to write or publish a book.
    3. It IS satisfying to see one's name in print, at least the first couple of times.
    4. I've read some professional journal articles that are well written, precise, concise, and have something worthwhile to say. And I've read others that are incoherent pieces of crap. So it's a mixed bag. You know, I never wrote a professional journal article in my entire career. All my writings were full-length reports or legislation.
    5. My motivation for writing was/is the challenge of trying to do it well. I enjoy it.

    1. You do amazing work please keep sharing

  6. 1. Of course it qualifies. If you're writing, you're writing.
    2. I will never publish a book because I will never write one.
    3. My by-line matter? Yes because someone is fraudulently using my name! I don't write!
    4. Depends on the profession I suppose. Nope, I hate them, I think. Have I ever read one? Hmmm. The title alone sounds dry as a sidewinder's back-side.
    5. I no motivation for anything, let alone writing.

    1. It is SO Wonderful to hear from you! Hope you are well. Your comments are often works of art.

  7. 1: Does writing for a blog, qualify as writing? Yes, I'd say so.
    2: Will I ever publish a book? Not likely
    3: Does my name on a by-line matter? Yes, I believe it does.
    4: Professional journal articles, love them, like them, hate them? They are okay. I don't read many of them.
    5: What motivates you to write? A need to connect with others.

    1. We have made some dear friends through blogging.

  8. 1: Does writing for a blog, qualify as writing?
    Yes of course

    2: Will I ever publish a book?

    3: Does my name on a by-line matter?
    Of course

    4: Professional journal articles, love them, like them, hate them?
    Hate reminds me of my ex

    5: What motivates you to write?

    1. good reason to dislike professional journals

  9. 1: Does writing for a blog, qualify as writing? I sure hope so I don't want to hang about with a bunch of Shriners.

    2: Will I ever publish a book? Probably not. My book is my blog.

    3: Does my name on a by-line matter? I hope this matters.

    4: Professional journal articles, love them, like them, hate them? I skim them but admit they are not very good to get 'hands on' help but to keep abreast of the trends.

    5: What motivates you to write? A passion to express myself.

    1. And we look forward to the next post
