Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Thursday Ramble: Camels and other thoughts 15

In colonial times, George Washington paid to have a camel as a holiday novelty at Mt. Vernon, the tradition continues.  The Camels' name is Aladdin.  The guy who runs the camel rental service, is the son-in-law of the real estate broker who helped me find the Condo 14 years ago. The Camel wrangler is also a talented carpenter, he replaced all of the interior doors in the condo shortly after I moved in.  

Today is my last scheduled regular day of work, remote work at that.  Tomorrow Change of plans, today I start holiday break, and using up paid administrative leave, also known as paid sick leave. Looking at my plan I realized I had more time to use up, or leave behind. I am planning to work a few hours next week, about 4 hours, and about 3 hours the following week, then my last day, January 5th, has to be a work day, I will go in, do my exit briefings, turn in my keys and laptop, delete my office account off of my phone 😃, take my team out to lunch, and come home.  So starts the next chapter of my life, but really it starts tomorrow with a day off. 

Too late to change my mind now.  

A beloved blogger mentioned in a post one day, that he didn't want to practice his profession today, or maybe anymore.  I emailed him.  I can identify.  I have felt that feeling.  Usually it is when there is a lot of weight of the job, or when I am feeling unqualified, or when things are just going wrong no matter what I do.  Usually something will happen, I make a difference in someone's life, the problem goes quietly away, and I regain the love of the job.  The more frequently that feeling arisess, the more I know I need to make a change.  I have worked with too many people over the years that quit working, and kept showing up on the job, kept drawing the salary.  

It was a feeling I had when my mid-life crisis hit.  I was in my early 30's, in a miserable relationship, trying to do a job, in a place that I didn't understand, at a time that was difficult.  I dreaded going in each morning, and one day I just called the boss and said, "I need some serious time off, like three or four months, considered it leaving, or a leave of absence but I need a change." I walked away from what up until then had been the best job I had ever had. I signed up for four classes that semester, ended the failed relationship, met the love of my life, and started the happiest half of my life. It was time for change, and I knew it.  

I am not at that point now.  But it is time, before I get there.  

SMILE, it is someone's else's show next year.  

The cover of the card I will leave behind for my successor.  


  1. I've have long said, it's better to leave the party while having fun, before you you get bored and tired and mire the party. Better to go out on top I think....

    Adore the camel. I rode one a few times...and petted them. They are fun to be around.

    1. Aladin is available for private parties.

  2. It's good to leave on a high with pride in what you've accomplished. I didn't end up with the kind of career that filled me with that pride of knowing I did good things. Good for you for doing good things and for knowing when to fold 'em.

    1. Know when to walk away, know when to run,

  3. Your last day at work will be strange, maybe emotional, maybe relief, maybe excitement for the future. Make sure your better half is around when you arrive home and ready to hear you debrief.

    1. I hope I am ready, but ready or not, it is time.

  4. Enjoy your paid time off from now until Jan 5 -- and then enjoy your last day at work! Freedom is calling you!

    1. I slept an extra hour this morning. Off to a good start.

  5. I once had a job where one day I realized that as I parked my car and got ready to go in, I heaved a huge sigh.
    I gave my notice that day and never looked back at it.
    Being unemployed was a bit scary, though I found a new job after a time, but I'd rather enjoy the job and not endure the job.
    Good on you for enjoying it, and planning to enjoy what comes after!

    1. Every job has the occasional rough day, but it should never be every day.

  6. I have felt that way before and I've made the same decisions. I learned a long time ago that life is never a straight road.

    1. I wonder where this road will lead.

  7. Can't wait to hear, what you did with your time off.

    1. Today, I slept an extra hour, read, did a little shopping, went to the gym for an hour, took a shower.
