Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday Five: End of the Year, Beginning of the Year 5

1: What was the farthest away from home you traveled in 2023? 

2: How many time zones were you in in 2023? 

3: What are your plans for New Years? 

4: How far from home will you travel in 2024? 

5: Will you travel more in 2024 or less, than 2023? 

My answers: 

1: What was the farthest away from home you traveled in 2023? Geyser in Iceland.

2: How many time zones were you in in 2023? 8

3: What are your plans for New Years? Stay home nice and quiet

4: How far from home will you travel in 2024? Barcelona about 4,000 miles.  

5: Will you travel more in 2024 or less, than 2023? More

Please share your answers in the comments.


  1. What was the farthest away from home you traveled in 2023? It was either Budapest or Portofino...the ladder was a 13 hour flight.

    How many time zones were you in in 2023? 2...3?

    What are your plans for New Years? Invited to a small intimate dinner downtown followed by a few drinks.

    How far from home will you travel in 2024? If everything settles right I hope to finally get to Nairobi. Warbucks wants to take a trip too.

    Will you travel more in 2024 or less, than 2023? Probably the same as this year. I hope to get to the beach more. Heavens.....only one p-town visit in 2023!!!

    A Happy New Year to you dear 🎆🎊🎉🎇🥂

  2. 1: What was the farthest away from home you traveled in 2023? England
    2: How many time zones were you in in 2023? Only 2.
    3: What are your plans for New Years? Dinner at friends.
    4: How far from home will you travel in 2024? To begin the year, across the Atlantic to see you!
    5: Will you travel more in 2024 or less, than 2023? Likely more.

  3. 1: What was the farthest away from home you traveled in 2023? We took a road trip from Dayton to Chicago to Coral Gables, FL back to Dayton. Put over 200 miles on the car.
    2: How many time zones were you in in 2023? 3
    3: What are your plans for New Years? Go see a movie and then a quiet evening.
    4: How far from home will you travel in 2024? Making those plans now.
    5: Will you travel more in 2024 or less, than 2023? More
    Happy New Year!

    1. May 2024 be filled with fun and adventure.

  4. 1: What was the farthest away from home you traveled in 2023? West Coast

    2: How many time zones were you in in 2023? Two.

    3: What are your plans for New Years? Quiet night at home then a New Year's Day get-together with neighbors tomorrow.

    4: How far from home will you travel in 2024? Not sure yet; plans are fluid.

    5: Will you travel more in 2024 or less, than 2023? I hope for more day trips and weekend getaways.

  5. 1: What was the farthest away from home you traveled in 2023? I had a look-see. It was Chicago.
    2: How many time zones were you in in 2023? all four of USA

    3: What are your plans for New Years? Sitting with my father.

    4: How far from home will you travel in 2024? Who can say

    5: Will you travel more in 2024 or less, than 2023? ho ho ho it would be hard to travel less I did so little.

    1. Happy New Year, maybe you will get out more.

  6. 1 England
    2 Not a clue but many many.
    3 Dinner out, watch 9.30 fireworks from a distance with my partner and a friend. In bed by midnight. Achieved.
    4 I don't know. No travel plans for the year yet.
    5 Less, I should think.

    1. Welcome back, you did have a major trip last year.
