Wednesday, December 20, 2023

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday W's December 20 2023 16

Where have I been?  The office four days in the past week, usually only twice a week.  The farmers market.  A few long walks, including a couple of walks across the City.  A little shopping.  The gym. 

Who have I met?  It was a busy week, the office year end party was last Thursday, my last one, the team in the office. Lots and Lots of people. 

What bloggers have I reached out to? Spo, John, Maddie, and Mitchel. 

What milestones this past week?  My being here in DC was made possible by funding for a national support program for civil legal aid for adults age 60 and older.  An important part of that was training.  I did the last webinar in that series I will do as a funded member of the project.  It was closing the circle.  I submitted my last directors column for our Journal.  In many ways today is my last regular work day, I have a couple of partial days scheduled, my last full day, is my last day and will end after lunch. 

What am I thankful for this week?  Crossing the one-million page views mark on this blog.  

What am I planning? Christmas dinner, a relaxing few days. 

When will my shopping be finished?  Last week. 

What is the image above?  The Woodrow Wilson Bridge across the Potomac River at Alexandria, from Jones Point Park, in the fog. Sometime in the past couple of weeks I was home, looked out and saw that great fog and went out for an hour's walk.  We call it the troll park, because tolls live under the bridges. We were married at the lighthouse in the park. 

Who have a heard from? My middle brother called, the package I sent for Christmas arrived, though it was delivered to a neighbor who was nice enough to call and let him know they had it.  I hadn't heard from him in a while.  

Who deserves a big THANK YOU? All of the delivery people working the holidays, lots of long hours, and complicated addresses, for never enough money. 

What am I reading? "Abroad in Japan" by Chris Broad, an English YouTuber living in Japan.  If you watch his videos, and read the book you can hear his voice in the text.  He has been doing a series about travel in northern Japan, makes me want to go.  

What do I need to do in the next week? Retrieve personal belongings from the office. I have an extra computer there, and books, and a sculpture, and a few momentos.  Should I leave the dice from the Flamingo Cassino behind? 


  1. Hmmm... Should you take or leave the dice? I'm not sure. That's a crap shoot.

    1. I didn't see that one coming, good one!

  2. Oh... how I love a good foggy morning this time of year.

  3. Replies
    1. More will show up on a Tuesday soon

  4. We don't get a lot of fog here, but I love photographs of places hiding in the mist.

    1. I saw this one and knew it was a great morning for a walk

  5. I'm glad you described that photo. I was curious about it. It's a great shot.
