Monday, December 04, 2023

Moody Monday: Having a Good Day 32

Everyday on the green side of the sod, is a good day.   I woke up not dead again today. I don't have a desire, or fantasy of living forever. I don't believe in an afterlife. When life is over, it is over, whether it is a hard drive failure or a reformat, the reality is that unless you do something infamous, most of us will be long forgotten after 50 years.  The last funeral I attended, I was surprised that younger members of the family had no idea, who people who have been dead for 50 years were.  Before their time, no idea who they were.  

Today is good.  I will start with cold coffee, the magic elixir that fuels my personality.  (Cold and dark sometimes.) I will enjoy good food, and cool clean water.  I will interact with others, test my mind with questions in search of answers. I will read the blogs of my virtual friends and read for an hour while enjoying the wonders of modern transportation that takes me as far in 30 minutes as my ancestors traveled in a day.  Some fun music will fill my ears.  I will snuggle in my soft warm bed at the end of the day and let my mind drift off into fantasy land.   

Not everyday is perfect, but while I am here I might as well dance and enjoy the party.  

Someday, everyday, I will look at this and think this was good.  


  1. We take our small pleasures and enjoyments for granted sometimes.

  2. A niece once asked us “Who's Bob Hope?”

  3. I gave a co-worker a ride home one day and had music playing, and she asked who it was, and I said, "Billie Holiday."
    She said, "Who's he?"
    I don't think she was badly hurt when I shoved her from the car on the drive home.
    Every day is a new day.

    1. How else are these people gonna learn...

    2. I hope you slowed down, before opening the door.

  4. I like your attitude! Yes, there is no afterlife or immortality for any of us. Enjoy the here and now!

    1. We can be good in the here and now, without needing to do so for fear of punishment by some vengeful goddess.

  5. This is good! After the weekend I've had, these words are encouraging.

    1. Sometimes the rough days, remind us how nice a boring day can be

  6. I don't believe in an after life either. This is all we have got. As far as we are able to, we should strive to make the most of it.

  7. Great sentiment. Enjoy the now, because there may not be a later.

