Friday, December 29, 2023

Fabulous Friday: Reading List for 2023 7

  1. A Rosie Life in Italy 4, Rosie Maleady (easy read - not memorable)
  2. Toujours La France, Jannie Narsh (easy read - not memorable)
  3. the Long Way Home, Timothy A. Herwig (written by a friend, a journey of self discovery and recovery.)
  4. A Vineyard in Tuscany, Fernc Mate (fun and funny)
  5. Representing People with Dementia, Elizabeth Kelley (Professional read, lots of important information.) 
  6. 101 Tough Conversations to Have With Employees, Paul Falcone - very HR focused 
  7. Ford County Stories, John Grisham - he could write about paint drying and make it worth reading.
  8. Kept: An American House Husband in Paris, Gregory Buford - fun and funny 
  9. Out of the Maze, Spencer Johnson - a follow up to Who Moved My Cheese. 
  10. The Culture Question, Randy Grieser et al - I am done reading about work for a while
  11. As Fast As You Can: How I biked across the US, Matt Kovacic - he is nuts
  12. Saving Time, Jenny Odell - terrible book - mostly a political rant
  13. Reading to Reading: A bicycle journey around the world, Tim Millikin
  14. The Best Strangers in the World, Ari Shapiro
  15. How Y'all Doing, Leslie Jordan 
  16. Epistemology: A beginners Guide, Robert Martin
  17. Sorry I am Late, I didn't want to come, Jessica Pan
  18. I shouldn't Even Be Doing This, Bob Newhart
  19. At Least in the City Someone Would Hear Me Scream, Wade Rouse, 
  20. After Elias, Eddy Boudal Tan
  21. The Secret Life of Groceries, Benjamin Lorr
  22. Life, Death, and Whisky, Ralfy Mitchell 
  23. Twelve Hours to Del Mar, Inkjockey (A friend wrote a chapter in this book.) 
  24. Spiced, America's Test Kitchen 
  25. The Book of Charlie, David Von Drehie
  26. Lips on Unfamiliar Skin, Inkjocky (anthology for short fiction) 
  27. Thinking 101, Woo-kyoung Abn
  28. Never Give Up, Tom Brokaw
  29. 40 Frenchie Foodie Stories, Paris Connolly
  30. 30-Second Philosophies, Barry Loewer et al
  31. Is Life to Long, By Shahar Madjar
  32. Essays After Eighty, by Donald Hall - may be the book of the year. 
  33. Pageboy, Elliot Page
  34. Diddly Squat, Jeremy Clarkson
  35. Baking Yesteryear, B. Dylan Hollis (great book.) 
  36. The Measure of Our Age, M.T. Connolly (work focussed) 
  37. American Ramble, Neil King
  38. Diddly Squat - Till the Cows Come Home, Jeremy Clarkson
  39. Founding Gardeners, Andrea Wulk (excellent history, detailed research
  40. Steeple Chasing, Peter Ross 
  41. On Belonging, Kim Samuel (TGIF = thank god it is finished) 
  42. The Mechanic, Marc Elvis Priestley
  43. University of Nowhere, C.M. Hanna 
  44. A Salty Piece of Land, Jimmy Buffett
  45. By The Seat of My Pants, Dean Smith
  46. Build the Life you Want, arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey
  47. Live Long and . . . , William Shatner and David Fisher
  48. The Creative Act, Rick Rubin (Inspirational, after reading it on Kindle, I bought a print copy to be able to look at again.) 
  49. Sheep Theory, Greg Frisbee
  50. Once to Every Pilot, Frank Hawks
  51.  A Month in the Country, J.L. Carr
  52. The Constant Traveller, Mary-Jane Houlton
  53. Food Americana, David Page
  54. Travels with Charlie, John Steinbeck (A journey around the United States by a master of writing.) 
  55. Round Here and Over Yonder, Trae Crowder and Corey Forrester
  56. The Woman in Me, Britney Spears (Surprisingly coherent.) 
  57. Wilderness Essays, John Muir (TGIF) 
  58. For the People, For the Country, John Ragosta
  59. Scoring the Keeper, Hayden Hall (The nerd scores the jock.) 
  60. Diddly Squat: Pigs Might Fly, Jeremy Clarkson (a collection of his newspaper columns.) 
  61. The Color of Law, Richard Rothstein (Racism in America - shocking at how late in our history the law empowered discrimination.) 
  62. Landscape Photography on Location, Thomas Heaton
  63. The Good Enough Job, Simone Stolzoff
  64. Abroad in Japan, Chris Broad
  65. You Are and Author: So Write Your Book Already, Matt Rudnitsky
  66. The Shipping News, E. Annie Proulx
  67. Stupid Things I Won't Do When I get Old, Steven Petrow


  1. I give you credit for reading that many books first off, and anything from Orpah Winfrey.

    I find her full of herself and pompous.

    1. Not one of the best books of the year.

  2. That's some list. I look forward to the work books dropping off in 2024. I'm with Maddie on Oprah. She's admirable and accomplished, and she is apparently generous. But I feel like she has grown to believe her own hype and is now royalty (and I'm not a fan of royalty). As a result, she gave us Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, among others. Thanks, but no thanks.

    1. The first one for 2024 is a legal history, 874 pages of it.

  3. The only one I've read on your list is "Shipping News" by Annie Proulx, which I loved. Have you seen the very good movie they made of it? It's a worthy adaptation.

    1. I have seen the movie, the book was in the building book exchange library.

  4. I love the variation in your books you've read. A well-rounded, thoughtful, intelligent human.

    I can't with Oprah; I never could.

    1. I did more fiction this year than usual.

  5. That's a helluva list. Frankly, I'm surprised that you had time to do any work in 2023 but I guess it's different when you are the director!

    1. Lots of evenings and commutes, a few long airline flights.

  6. Wow, impressive list of books.

    1. I was surprised by how many. I will start the 2024 list soon.

  7. Thank you for sharing your list. There's a few I'm adding to mine.

    1. About 10 of these I read about or heard about, and decided I needed to read. I gave J two books suggested by Angus in Scotland.
