Wednesday, December 13, 2023

My World of Wonders aka the Wednesday Ws 23

What have I been up to?  Work, the gym, laundry, more retirement stuff, finding the deed to the condo (updating estate plans,) a little Christmas stuff, ordering gifts for a few people.  

Who have I seen?  The team at work, neighbors for dinner,  a friend at AARP. 

What have I been reading?  Landscape Photography by Thomas Heaton, and Kindle e-book by a British YouTuber.  

Where have I been?  I had a meeting at AARP, I arrived an hour early and took a long walk around the area, back in my cycling days I spent a lot of time in the area around Gallery Place, it has been a few years.  Lunch with my team.  A long walk from the office one lunch time, up to Dupont Circle - a couple of nice book store. The County Court House to pull copies of property records, that hours later I found here at home.  

Who have a reached out to? My sister, a couple of bloggers, making plans for a nice lunch in NYC in less than a month.  Another friend in NYC who we will spend time with on the same trip.  

What was I asked? If I was down to counting hours?  Still counting days at this point, but getting closer to counting the hours.  

How Would I describe myself? Mid-Century Modern - sounds better than old.  

Who deserves a slap this week? Me, in an effort to save five hundred dollars, I made my retirement transition much more complicated than it needed to be.  One slap, unless I enjoy it.  

Who deserves a big THANK YOU!  Everyone who was involved in planning the surprise party at the office.  It was my first surprise party and it was fun.  (And I am still approving the office expense accounts so I now get to approve the bill.) 

What am I most looking forward to? Being free of office budgets, and office politics. 

Where is my mind at?  I have two official duties to complete, things that I love doing, beyond that I am neutral coasting across the finish line.  It is very different experience as a planned departure from the job, that everyone knows about, and the critical parties have known for months.  Almost boring.  

What made me misty? Angus mentioned a Teletubby. When they were all the rage, a friend gave me a "Tinky Winky" the purple one.  I passed it onto Kellsey, the daughter of a colleague who was about 2 years old at the time, she is now college graduate, the last I heard trying to decide between law school and medical school.   

What am I watching this week?  Blog statistics, I am getting close to 1,000,000 page views. I should pass this point today. Many of you passed that a long time ago, some of you see that many a year.  Will be you the 1,000,000 visitor?  You are all one-in-a-million. 



  1. Nice list this week. I myself am readying and toning down for the year. I'm ready to start hibernating. I'm sitting back, and now just going to enjoy the time leading up to Christmas now.

    1. Hibernating sounds like a great idea.

  2. Estate plans? Does that mean your will?
    Lol at face slap.
    Does visitor one million receive a prize?

    1. Wills and such are in process.

  3. Mid-century modern. I might borrow that!

    1. I think it is better then post war classic.

  4. Woo-hoo! I got to be the millionth visitor! Does that mean I win a week's holiday in The Bahamas?

  5. Your countdown is in the low 20s! Congrats on hitting the one millionth reader mark.

    1. I see a light at the end of the tunnel, what is that whistling sound?

  6. I'm excited about your countdown too! Soon you'll be free as a bird!

  7. Your trip to NYC sounds great. Congrats on the 1 million page views.

    1. NY is easy to get to from here, we should go more often.

  8. My husband's favorite type of furniture/style is mid-century modern. I like the comparison!

    1. But some of us have been kicked around the family room for the past 60 years.

  9. I may start calling myself mid-century modern, too, because decrepit shack sounds mean.

    1. Better decrepit than decomposing
