Sunday, December 01, 2024

The Sunday Five: Walking

1: When was the last time you went for a walk? 

2: Do you normally walk alone? 

3: Do you prefer a walk in the city or the country? 

4: Do you prefer to walk with others around, or without others around? 

5: When will you take your next walk? 

My answers: 

1: When was the last time you went for a walk? Yesterday afternoon. 

2: Do you normally walk alone?  Yes. 

3: Do you prefer a walk in the city or the country? Either, I like smooth surfaces. 

4: Do you prefer to walk with others around, or without others around? I try to avoid crowds. 

5: When will you take your next walk?  Later today. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. When was the last time you went for a walk? This evening with the dogs.
    Do you normally walk alone? Most days yes.
    Do you prefer a walk in the city or the country? I like many different things to see.
    Do you prefer to walk with others around, or without others around? Neither bothers me.
    When will you take your next walk? In the morning again in the park.

    1. Dogs lead us to regular walks.

  2. 1. Yesterday but incidental walking. I had a family event today and so I did not walk any distance. That is unusual.
    2. Yes.
    3. The city. There is so much to see.
    4. I like others around but not too busy.
    5. Tomorrow, Monday.

    1. You have a lot of city to explore.

  3. 1: When was the last time you went for a walk? Yesterday.
    2: Do you normally walk alone? Yes.
    3: Do you prefer a walk in the city or the country? City
    4: Do you prefer to walk with others around, or without others around? I like to see others, but not mobs of people.
    5: When will you take your next walk? Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. It’s always a possibility.

    1. Walk anytime you feel like it.

  4. 1: When was the last time you went for a walk? Last Tuesday east of Lincoln.
    2: Do you normally walk alone? Yes I do... at my own pace with my own uninterrupted thoughts.
    3: Do you prefer a walk in the city or the country? Coutryside definitely.
    4: Do you prefer to walk with others around, or without others around? (See my answer to Q2)
    5: When will you take your next walk? A proper long walk will depend on the weather.

    1. Pace if a factor, I move at my speed, and that is too fast for some, to slow for others.

  5. 1: When was the last time you went for a walk? Yesterday morning in the chilly morning sun!
    2: Do you normally walk alone? I walk alone or sometimes with Carlos if we're just strolling the 'hood.
    3: Do you prefer a walk in the city or the country? Our city is quite small, but I like walking in the Historic District down there, otherwise it's a walk in the more rural areas near our house.
    4: Do you prefer to walk with others around, or without others around? I don';t mind a few people, but not crowds ... perhaps that's why I usually go early.
    5: When will you take your next walk? In about ninety minutes.

  6. 1. Yesterday. As with all days, we take the dog for a walk, regardless of conditions.
    2. I walk alone. I walk with my husband. And sometimes I walk with the walkers in my running group.
    3. I like it all. They both have different vibes and both are good things.
    4. Not a fan of the big crowds. Or even individuals who seemingly want to play a game of chicken if you're on the same path.
    5. I am walking with my running group at 08:00 today.

  7. 1: When was the last time you went for a walk? Friday.
    2: Do you normally walk alone? Yes. It's time for me and my thoughts.
    3: Do you prefer a walk in the city or the country? I like to walk wherever I am. I like the peacefulness of the country and the energy of a city.
    4: Do you prefer to walk with others around, or without others around? I like to see people out and about enjoying their walks.
    5: When will you take your next walk? Today. I'm planning to take a hike at a nearby MetroPark after my girls head back to Chicago.

  8. 1: When was the last time you went for a walk? Friday afternoon
    2: Do you normally walk alone? yes
    3: Do you prefer a walk in the city or the country? city or in the garden
    4: Do you prefer to walk with others around, or without others around? I avoid crowds
    5: When will you take your next walk? later today

  9. 1. Friday
    2. yes
    3. either, it's just good to get out
    4. I don't like it too busy but I'm a smiler / waver when I see others.
    5. probably tomorrow but it may have to be indoors as it is very cold here.

    1. I am lucky, there is a nice gym across the street with treadmills.


  10. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 01, 2024
    The Sunday Five: Walking

    1: When was the last time you went for a walk? I went for one about an hour ago.
    2: Do you normally walk alone? I always walk alone.

    3: Do you prefer a walk in the city or the country? I prefer the country but my walks are about the district

    4: Do you prefer to walk with others around, or without others around? Each has their advantages; walking alone I can hear my podcasts and books on tape.

    5: When will you take your next walk? Tuesday is a walk day

    1. The weather shows a nice day in Phoenix, always good for a walk.
