Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Saturday Morning Post: Stop That

 I heard something recently that made me stop and think, 

    "It was raining when I woke up this morning, and I decided to just let it rain."

As simple as that.  We spend so much of our life trying to change things that we have no control over, or that already have happened, or never will happen. So much physical and emotional energy is expended on things we can't change.  We need to stop doing that. 

While I am at it, I am going to complain less.  Now there are times when a well thought out and politely done request, will get something corrected, but most of what I complain about already has happened, or never will happen, and I complain by shouting into the wind . . . complaining in ways and places that have no hope of making my life, or the world a better place. It is time to stop complaining, unless it is something that can truly and likely will be changed. 

The world is filled with advice on how to "improve" your life, by over complicating it, by over filling our days with activity, by an unhealthy obsession with stacking up riches, while ignoring the joys of living. I delete, turn off, toss in the trash anything or anyone who tries to tell me that the key to happiness or success in life is filling my minutes, hours and days with things that I must do to improve my life.  

Happiness in life is not keeping score to see has the most of anything at the end, it is in enjoying each day as it comes. The key to improving your life is often to just stop trying to improve and enjoying each moment for what it is. 

Often it is best to just let it rain, and get on with your day. 


  1. You can prepare for rain but not stop it. You can prepare for events, but they will happen regardless. I can't remember the exact saying, but something along the lines of 'Change what you can but don't fret about what you can't change'.

    But I won't stop being a serial complainer to public authorities and private businesses. I have made the world a slightly better place at times but in these days of electronic communication, it has oddly made it harder to complain and the effect is less.

    1. A well said and well placed request for correction, can make a difference. I got a state regulation changed one time, by pointing out a contradiction between two regulations.

  2. People always say I way to aloof and laid back, not a worrisome person. It's because of the quote I'm like that. I never understood why one worries and waste energy over things they have no control.

    1. It may not be the party we had hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.

  3. I love that. Just let it rain.

    1. I left an umbrella behind in the rental car in France last spring.

  4. I have a friend who is constantly sending me articles that say, don't eat this, eat more of that, exercise this way, sit that way. I pretty much ignore them all. There are things we should pay attention to and many more things we should ignore.

    1. Ignore them, follow the science, and enjoy life.

  5. OMG, I've turned you into a Stoic! 😘

  6. A good philosophy that is sometimes hard to do. I worry too much and am trying to stop that. What a waste of time it can be.

  7. I think we're learning to accept the things we cannot change.
    And change the things we can.

    1. Lots of opportunities to practice right now.

  8. You are absolutely right and something I have learned with age.

    1. We are closer in age than we think.

  9. David? You should change your name to Confucius. These are wise words. We have the power to lighten our mental and emotional loads. Actively trying to do that is the first step.

  10. Replies
    1. Sometimes a well placed complaint fixes something that is wrong.
