Friday, December 27, 2024

Friday: Blogging for 2025

Once again in 2024 I have not missed a day of blogging, actually not missed a day on two blogs, The Adventures of Travel Penguin, and Selfie Daily.  I tried a photography blog, and ran out of ideas.  I will likely continue the selfie daily effort. 

Here on Travel Penguin my core theme days for 2024 were:

  • Sunday Five
  • Moody Monday 
  • Tuesday Travel 
  • Wednesday Ws 
  • Thursday Ramble 
  • Friday has morphed through the year, from food, to funky, to funny, travel tips. 
  • The Saturday Morning Post - morphed in great adventures in travel 

My plan for 2025:

  • The Sunday Five - a crowd favorite - 
  • Monday Moods - my weekly mental health check in 
  • Travel Tuesdays - I will have to keep traveling to keep feeding this
  • My World of Wonders the Wednesday Ws - a weekly check in on my activities 
  • The Thursday Ramble - my weekly editorial rant
  • Freestyle Fridays - whatever strikes my fancy
  • The Saturday Morning Post - 50 states in 52 weeks. This will be a description of my visit(s) to each of the 50 United States, plus Washington DC and Puerto Rico to fill out the year.  I already have several of these written. There is one state I know I have no photos from, I was last there when I was 6.   

The travel tips will appear from time to time, as I think of something worth writing about, on Thursdays or Fridays. The Sunday five requires me to dig for inspiration from time to time.  For Travel Tuesdays I will try to include in depth explorations of local sites, and I will dig back in the photo archive for travels since going digital. Planned travel in April and May will fill a few weeks of Tuesdays. 

I love reading and responding to your comments.  Please keep the comments, even if you only say "hi I was here." 



  1. Hi! (I love the screenful of selfies.)

    1. By Tuesday there will be 365 selfies.

  2. Your new Friday and Saturday post themes sound exciting!

    1. Thanks, I have several of the states already drafted

  3. Hi! I admire your planning and am looking forward to your 2025 posts and format.

    1. I look forward to your thoughtful blog, and your wonderful comments.

  4. You are a man with a plan. I look forward to the year ahead. I love seeing where you are off to next.

    1. I always enjoy your artful posts, and great comments.

  5. You are an organized man, David! I look forward to your 2025 posts!
    I like your selfies - you always look happy! :)

    1. A failure to plan, is a plan to fail. Might as well be happy,

  6. I love the old favorite blog posts and the idea of some news oines in the mix!
    Cheers to 2025!

    1. Everytime I ask, people like the Sunday Five and the Wednesday posts.

  7. hi, i was here. OMG, just kidding. I love all of your posts, especially the travel and museum visiting ones. Keep 'em coming, Travel Maven!

    1. I was looking for a photo earlier today, and realized I have some great travel posts to do.

  8. Replies
    1. Making a plan and sticking with it, keeps the BOD from threatening my digits.
