Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Saturday Morning Post: A Saturday Wander

A couple of Saturdays ago, we took the subway into the city for a nice walk and wander in the National Portrait Gallery, and lunch at a fun restaurant. It was a great day out. We all need days like that.  If you can't remember the last time you had one, declare today a day to go do whatever you want to do, and get out of the house. Many years ago I read a book on stimulating creativity.  The book urged the reader to shake up the routine. Take a different route to and from your daily routine, stop for a few minutes to explore a store you have never been in, or spend a few minutes in a gallery or museum.  Do this often, a couple of times a week. It can be simple, take the long way around on your daily commute or when running errands.  You can discover the unknown or unseen, just a block or two off of the beaten path.   

Featuring about 100 CRT televisions, the question has been raised what to do when the electronics fail, and no one in the world makes the components any longer. 

I knew the artist, before looking at the tag. Georgia O'Keeffe 



  1. The fastest path or route is well known. I try alternatives and often find things of interest.

  2. I loved the art install of the 100 CRT televisions!!!! But the neon states shape is what does it for me. If the tvs go kuput kupee, I say just let them there with the neon's still cool looking. A day out is great! My annual pilgrimage with pass coworkers to NYC was yesterday.

  3. So many amazing works. A cure for what ails you... as is J.

  4. Looks like a great day at the art gallery!

  5. Great vicarious tour for the readers; some very interesting things though it was the bust of Lincoln that I find most interesting for some reason.
    I love a good do nothing day and just get out and explore.

    1. The Gallery had three different sculptures with Lincoln on display that day.

  6. You and your Sweet Bear have a wonderful life.

    1. A neighbor of mine recently said, "I woke up on the green side of the sod this morning, it is going to be a wonderful day."

  7. Wow, thanks for the tour through the gallery, There was certainly lots to see. I don't think I had ever seen the Georgia O'keeffe before and it's beautiful. The neon US map proposes a question we should all ponder.

    1. When the map was created, no one really thought that technology would really go away, let alone so fast. What tech are we using today, that will be gone in 25 years?

  8. Wonderful tour. Good for you two for going.
