Wednesday, December 18, 2024

My World of Wonders aka The Wednesday Ws a Week Before the Fat Man Arrives

Where have I been this week? Close to home, the farmers market, the gym, the pool, the community center for an arts opening/memorial service, the grocery store and the library.

What was the weather like? Freezing at night, just above freezing and rain most days.  It is what it is, I need to embrace it.  

What have I finished this week? A couple of last minute Christmas gifts have been ordered and my wrapping has been completed. 

What am I reading? I finished "Pig Years" and I am reading a book on seaweed. There are a couple more on the stack, I will probably to return the library before Christmas. 

What is an arts opening/memorial service? The community arts group planned an exhibit by a resident photographer several months ago, and he died before it was scheduled to open. His family wanted to go ahead with the show, and hosted a memorial service celebration of his life for the opening night, with generous food and drink, and friends and family telling stories of a talented and funny man. One story made us all laugh. He was remodeling his bathroom, he called his daughter who is a lawyer saying,  "I am at Home Depot to buy a new toilet and they measured my ass and told me it was too big and they couldn't help me, they can't do that can they?" And she took the bait and conferenced in a colleague who practices discrimination law. 

What have I been up to in the kitchen this week? Meatballs, bean and bacon soup, nice steaks and baked potatoes. 

Who have I reached out to this week? Sunday I emailed three blogger friends. I hope I brightened their days.   

When is the next adventure?  The end of January to the Valley of the Sun. 

Who have I been talking with? My sweet bear of course, neighbors, and the lifeguards at the pool.  The guards are often bored, they are also terrific gossips. 

What am I working on? Drafting and editing a book chapter I promised to write. I need to learn to say no. 


  1. Oh dear, you have been hit badly by spam. I am sure you will sort it when you wake. Chatting to lifeguards. Male? Hmm.

    1. I cleaned up the spam, again. Daytime lifeguards are - how to say this - middle aged.

  2. SG would read a book on seaweed and then shared what he learned. The toilet story is wonderful. So glad they went ahead with the show. You always brighten my days.

    1. She show was a great way to remember someone.

  3. The toilet story is hilarious. i'll be sharing that one.

    1. A family with a big sense of humor.

  4. What a great idea to combine the photography exhibit opening with a celebration of the life of the photographer. A classy and meaningful tribute.

    1. Maybe a model for when I am gone.

  5. "a Week Before the Fat Man Arrives" I'm here in the next room, Sweetie...

    1. Only your doctor thinks you should lose weight.

  6. One more week! I'm already looking forward to it being done.

    1. I moved slowly into the holiday this year - it does get overwhelming.

  7. The story at the memorial service made me laugh. He must have had a great sense of humor. The weather report gave me a bit of a shiver. It would take me a while to get used to those colder temps.

    1. The places with the best year around weather, often have other challenges.

  8. Lifeguards do indeed have rather dull working lives. Time must appear to stand still for them. I think I would rather be a deathguard - if there is such a job.

  9. I have a 92+ year old friend. She still doesn't know how to say no. BTW, she lives in the Valley of the Sun. Come January, stay out of her way, she'll run you over! 😄

  10. An email from always makes me feel good; it makes my day really.
