Monday, December 23, 2024

Monday Moods: Well Lookie There

I was walking on the treadmill the other day, watching YouTube on my tablet, and this little sweetie crept in below nibbling on anything green.  I looked around and no one seemed to notice him/her.  I quietly said to the housekeeper dusting the machine next to me, "deer" and pointed. She had a quizzical look on her face, and I pointed again. Then her face lit up. Right there not 10 feet away from us. She pulled out her phone and had a photo before I did. 

I regularly see Bald Eagles, a couple of weeks one was circling the building rising on the thermals as I was walking back from the gym.  A couple of days ago, two of them were perched in the top of a tree as I drove down the George Washington Parkway past the Belle Haven Country Club, I slowed down, and realized I was the only one of a dozen drivers who noticed the majestic birds so close. 

One of my wishes for the coming year, is to keep my eyes open, to see the wonders around me. To find beauty, wonder, adventure and funkiness around me.  



  1. I spy deer alot here. Just the other night I took my trash out and about 6 deer ran from the yard. Often see them at the woods edge in the park too when walking the dogs.

    1. We have a couple that live inside the fence at the condo.

  2. Yes, keep your eyes open. What a wonderful sighting.

    1. I haven't seen or heard the fox in a while.

  3. I found a $2 coin on a train seat a few days ago. I was so pleased.
    It must be nice to see a deer up close. They are a declared pest species here and we have plenty of them.

    1. These are native, and it is surprising how many live here in the urban area.

  4. We have deer wander through our yard quite often; they are graceful creatures and we do our best not to disturb them.

    1. With fewer predators, there are more deer

  5. Quite a few deer roam my neighborhood. I love to see and watch them, until they eat my tomatoes in the summertime! It's amazing what you see when you keep your eyes open to what's around you.

    1. The Condo has gone to netting many of the plantings and putting cages around newly planted trees.

  6. Merry Christmas, David!

    1. Merry Christmas Ellen, enjoy the season.

  7. How awesome. It's one of those natural magic moments.

  8. I've only ever seen a bald eagle once in the wild, soaring above me in the sky. It was a profoundly moving sight!

    1. There are a lot more eagles today than there were 20 years ago. Real success on eliminating environmental hazards.

  9. I seen quite bald eagle down by the local river.

  10. It is amazing sometimes to find nature abounding very near to us.
