Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday Ramble: Things I have Seen Along the Way

A block away from the Palace of the Popes in Avignon is a street filled with shops, many of them catering to tourists. I spotted this and had to take a quick and somewhat discrete photo. I have no idea what is in the bottles, what flavor would these be?  

Imaging that, plant based brioche buns, what else would they be made from, powdered beef? Now if they mean "vegan", as in no milk or eggs, say so.  All bread products are inherently plant based.  For that matter, cows are plant based - and tasty.  

I was down on the waterfront taking a walk.  A family was there with their child feeding the ducks, and the catfish came up to fight with the ducks for the bread being tossed in by the kids.  I kind of know the fish are there in the river, but I never see them.  

I love this bumper sticker.  I should buy them by the dozen, and wait for idiots to park, and then put them on their cars after they walk away.  And I should check my car to make sure no one has put one on my car, or maybe I should have it as a warning. 

It really is a good neighborhood.  Every couple of years, the maintenance golf cart gets new tires, and it sets on blocks by the back gate for a couple of days while the new tires are being fitted.  


  1. That looks like maple syrup in those penis bottles. Ew!

  2. I've eaten fried catfish in Thailand. It was rather nice.
    Yes, I would like to have a supply of the car stickers and slap them on cars.
    I am not so impressed by it taking two days to replace tyres...maybe an hour is adequate. But then I know how things work in large apartment building and not much happens in a hurry.

    1. Apparently management has decided to replace the entire cart this year.

  3. I'd buy the bottle just for the bottle, and then leave it out on a counter for guests to see.
    During a walkabout in the 'hood the other day, I came across a gaggle of geese on someone's front lawn; they watched me walked by, and I watched them watching me.
    It was only after walking by that I realized I had my phone and didn't take a photo!

  4. Great selection of observations. No matter what is in those bottles, I'm betting they go home with a few tourists every day. I love that bumper sticker. I've seen koi do that to grab food, but never catfish.

    1. Maybe someday the Potomac will be clean enough to swim in and eat fish out of this far upstream.

  5. I recognise that feeding cattle and eating beef is very impactful with regard to global warming. Should we make jokes about this? I am not so sure.

    1. The way we raise beef, is a problem, there are less impactful ways to farm.

  6. Glad you explained the last photo. Glad you didn't explain the first one.

    1. I don't have an explanation for the first one.

  7. Who cares what's in the bottle; it is worth getting just for the bottle.
