Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Sunday Five: Local Landmarks

1: What local institutions are you a member of? 

2: How much does it cost to enter local museums? 

3: Have you booked admission to a museum on your phone? 

4: Should there be more public support of museums and local landmarks? 

5: When was the last time you visited a museum or local landmark? 

My Answers:

1: What local institutions are you a member of? Mt. Vernon, and the Smithsonian 

2: How much does it cost to enter local museums?  The Smithsonian museums are all free, Mt Vernon is about $30 - I have guest passes if you are in the area and want to see Mt Vernon. 

3: Have you booked admission to a museum on your phone? Yes, I really don't like it, but I have done it. 

4: Should there be more public support of museums and local landmarks? Yes, the National Park Service especially struggles to maintain local landmarks. 

5: When was the last time you visited a museum or local landmark? About three weeks, it has been rather hot. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. What local institutions are you a member of? None local here, but I am members with The Met muesuem of Art, Philly Art Museum and PBS and WRTI Classical radio station. I recently got a membership at Longwood Gardens.

    How much does it cost to enter local museums? 10-25 bucks, must are free but ask for donations.

    Have you booked admission to a museum on your phone? Yes.

    Should there be more public support of museums and local landmarks? YES...but don't get used to that. Last time he who shall not be named cut way back on their funding. He will probably kill all funds to art this time. Not to mention no support for the environment, parks and recreation and could even rid of the Department of EPA.

    When was the last time you visited a museum or local landmark. Probably while in Portofino in October. I have a museum visit planned for the Met though to see the Sleeping Beauties exhibit.

    1. We should come to Philly for a visit.

  2. 1. None.
    2. Some are free to visit, some are not. There are often temporary exhibitions at the free museums that have to be paid for.
    3. Yes, more than once.
    4. Museums are reasonably well supported by governments. Local landmarks, patchy.
    5. Last visited a few weeks ago.

    1. There are a couple here that are free, but require advance reservations.

  3. 1: What local institutions are you a member of? Recently only the Bioparc and that membership just ran out.
    2: How much does it cost to enter local museums? Some free. Some cheap. Some expensive. All worth it.
    3: Have you booked admission to a museum on your phone? Yes. A tremendous convenience.
    4: Should there be more public support of museums and local landmarks? Not all. Many are privately owned and heavily endowed. There should, however, be more discounted entries.
    5: When was the last time you visited a museum or local landmark? Crud. It’s been months since I visited a museum and it was almost a weekly thing. Waiting for health issues to be resolved. Local landmarks are minutes away and free.

    1. When your health improves, you will be back at it.

  4. 1: What local institutions are you a member of? None. I do not like joining things.
    2: How much does it cost to enter local museums? Nothing. In Great Britain most museums and art galleries are free to enter.
    3: Have you booked admission to a museum on your phone? No. I don't have a phone and most museums do not require pre-booking.
    4: Should there be more public support of museums and local landmarks? I think more low income families should consider visiting these places.
    5: When was the last time you visited a museum or local landmark? Last week I took my granddaughter to The Graves Gallery in Sheffield.

  5. 1: What local institutions are you a member of? The Riverbanks Botanical Garden in Columbia because it makes for a nice seasonal walkabout. We are also members of our local fine arts center.
    2: How much does it cost to enter local museums? Most of our here in Camden arefree, as is Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia; we always make a donation, though.
    3: Have you booked admission to a museum on your phone? I have not.
    4: Should there be more public support of museums and local landmarks? Yes; we don't have too much of that problem here as Camden is an historic Revolutionary War site, so the history aspect makes support easy.
    5: When was the last time you visited a museum or local landmark? We were at the Camden Archives just last week with friends visiting from out of state, and then we walked around the Revolutionary War park and the Kershaw Cornwallis House.

    1. If we funded culture, like we fund defense, we would lead the world.

  6. 1. None
    2. Naper Settlement (our local history museum) is free to residents.
    3. I don't think so but I am not sure.
    4. Our city is great at supporting these.
    5. I'm a volunteer at Naper Settlement so I'm there at least once a week. We do silk and dry flower arrangements that we sell to support the museum. We are called The Weed Ladies!

    1. Maybe I should volunteer here in the neighborhood.

  7. 1: What local institutions are you a member of? Five of them.
    2: How much does it cost to enter local museums? Since I'm a memeber, I had to look this up. Anywhere from $16 to $28
    3: Have you booked admission to a museum on your phone? I don't recall doing that.
    4: Should there be more public support of museums and local landmarks? I think so.
    5: When was the last time you visited a museum or local landmark? One week ago unless you count yesterday in California.

    1. Phoenix is lucky to have such committed members.

  8. We are members of the art museum but we don't go too often. We went a few weeks ago for the Barbie exhibit.

    1. I cool place to escape the sun and insanity.
