Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday Mood: Walkies

On one of my last conference calls before I retired, my replacement pointed out that it was my last call (yea!) A retired Judge from Florida offered advice, get a dog, walking the dog will force you to get out to  walk everyday.  

I didn't get a dog, but I am getting out for daily walkies.  I walk at least an hour every day.  If the weather is mild, I walk outside.  If the weather is nasty, I walk on the treadmill at the gym here at the condo.  If we are out of town, I walk more, much more. 

Walking is simple, one foot in front of the other.  If I couldn't walk, I would roll.  Walking requires little - a good pair of shoes.  I started wearing top of the line running shoes in my early 30's when I was running 1,000 miles a year.  I replace my shoes 2 or 3 times a year, the padding breaks down in them. Most often I buy shoes that are on sale, and don't care what they look like.  Sometimes I buy shoes because I like the look.  A few years ago I spent months tracking down a pair of Nike that I saw in photos, they were released for the Japanese market and had to be special ordered.  

Walking clears my mind. It gives me time to think. It gives me time to figure out the rambles in my mind.  It gives me time to relax. It should be good for my body. A simple rule, if it hurts, change what you are doing.  I vary speed, and surface to stay comfy.  


  1. I've long said it's amazing what a good long walk does.

    1. Around the lake, and back to peace.

  2. Replies
    1. So many great places to walk there.

  3. "Walking clears my mind. It gives me time to think." Very true. Because I tend to walk in the countryside - often away from paved paths and roads - I always wear comfortable walking boots. I am on my sixth pair of the same brand. Shame I cannot get them re-soled.

    1. Keep walking those paths and country roads.

  4. Walking does so much good for the body, mind, and spirit.

  5. I agree; I walk every morning and it feels very meditative to me.

  6. I agree with the Florida Judge. A dog HAS to be walked several times a day, and your one mile could easily be doubled. Without my Billy, I might simply stay indoors, instead of which I really enjoy my walks, meeting people, etc.

    1. They say dogs are a great way to meet people.

  7. I'm disappointed that I haven't been out walking as much as I used to. The heat and humidity just spoil it for me and I feel too lazy to drive to the gym to walk the track there round and round. Ugh. It's depressing me.

    1. The condo gym is rights across the street for me.

  8. Walking as you probably know is my exercise too. Right now it's a little slowed because of the heat but I'm still walking whenever a can.

    1. The summers can be difficult.

  9. I love walking. It is one of my favorite activities and my favorite from of exercise. One reason I love the places we vacation is that we walk everywhere all day and it is wonderful. I intend to walk every day when I am retire in 671 days!


    1. 671 days, a walk in the park.

  10. I love to walk too. I try and do at least five miles a day with my dog, Shirley. She and I both look forward to our morning jaunts.

    1. Five miles a day, is a nice long walk.

  11. I hope you didn't leave your shoes in a parking garage.

  12. Walking is an excellent thing to do.

    1. A great way to spend time each day.
