Friday, July 05, 2024

100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Travel Experience #13 Avoid the airport Taxi Touts

You will encounter taxi touts near the exit from baggage claim in arrivals at many large airports.  They stand there asking, "looking for a taxi?" They are after one of two things, tip for showing you to the taxi line that often is just outside of the door, or the worst, they are leading you to a specific car service, often not a taxi outside, where you will pay more than a licensed taxi cab.  Some of these are licensed private car services, some are unlicensed and unregulated drivers. They charge whatever they want to charge.  Before you get a chance to ask questions, your bags will be in the car, and you will find yourself being helped into the back seat.  Buckle up, you are in for a ride, or at least for a fleecing.  Travel reviews are filled with people who feel ripped off by taxi touts.  

Ignore them, it is easy to fein not understanding them.  Look for the line of licensed taxis outside. Even better, for an official taxi starter.  

I seldom use Uber or Lift. The ride sharing services are regulated differently and the price varies depending on demand, time of the day.  Licensed taxis have a regulated price.  When things are busy, a taxi will be less expensive.  Increasingly in smaller cities, taxis have to be called for, or ordered on an app.  


  1. Replies
    1. It seems to have gotten worse.

  2. I have never had a problem getting a taxi. I stand with my hand up...and I yell TAAXXIIIIII in my Minnie Pearl voice. Has yet fail me. It also gets some looks.

    I have uet use Uber and whatever else and don't even have the apps.

    1. When all else fails, show a little leg.

  3. We've always used taxis and have never even heard of "taxi touts."
    I also have never Uber'd or Lyft'd; I think I'd trust a taxi more.

    1. My first flight into Philadelphia, there were signs in baggage claim warning about unauthorized taxis.

  4. Good advice about the touts. I use both taxi and Uber depending on the circumstances and time of day.

  5. One of the reasons I avoid traveling is being taken for a ride, literally and figuratively.

    1. Come for the view, and enjoy the ride

  6. Taxi touts operate here with seeming impunity. If the airports can't keep touts away, what hope is there when there is serious security threat.

    1. I was surprised by how many were in Paris.
