Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Sunday Five : Eating The World

 1: Have you eaten anything when traveling that would illegal when you at home? 

2: Can you order from a menu not in your first language? 

3: Have you ever been surprised by what you ordered? 

4: Do cute service staff get bigger tips? 

5: In the USA tipping is optional but expected at 10-20%, in most of the rest of the word service is included, and tipped is often frowned upon.  Who gets this right? 

My Answers (for what they are worth) 

1: Have you eaten anything when traveling that would illegal when you at home? Horse, whale, seal, I will try almost anything. 

2: Can you order from a menu not in your first language? I can muddle trough in French or Spanish, most of the time. 

3: Have you ever been surprised by what you ordered?  Definitely.  That is part of the adventure. 

4: Do attractive service staff get bigger tips?  I try not do this, better service will get a little extra from me, kind service by someone who is obviously overworked. 

5: In the USA tipping is optional but expected at 10-20%, in most of the rest of the word service is included, and tipped is often frowned upon.  Who gets this right? I think Europe has this right, pay the professionals in the restaurant like professionals, and include it in the price of the meal. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1: Have you eaten anything when traveling that would illegal when you at home?
    Not that I’m aware of, but certainly never anything protected or endangered.
    2: Can you order from a menu not in your first language?
    3: Have you ever been surprised by what you ordered?
    4: Do cute service staff get bigger tips?
    Only if they serve as well as they “cute.”
    5: In the USA tipping is optional but expected at 10-20%, in most of the rest of the word service is included, and tipped is often frowned upon. Who gets this right?
    The rest of the world. However, much of the world also pays servers a living wage. In my experience, a tip above 20% is now expected in much of the USA.

    1. Iceland likely has stopped whale hunting, leaving only Japan with a permit.

    2. Thank heavens for that...they are greatly in danger.

  2. 1. no? I am not an adventurous eater. ;)
    2. no
    3. no
    4. no
    5. I usually tip 20% or a little more if service is very good.

  3. 1. No.
    2. Yes, I can easily order from a menu in French. I can get by with a menu in Italian.
    3. I've never been surprised by a foreign menu item except for it being exceptionally delicious!
    4. Maaaaaaaaaaybe.
    5. I would love to see tipping done away with and replaced by fair wages for wait staff and service personnel.

    1. In the are we stayed in in Miami, the restaurants were adding 18% as a service charge,

  4. Well, it is Sunday here at least.
    1. No. If it is illegal at home, I probably wouldn't want to it eat.
    2. Not really. I'd pick some words up if the English alphabet is used.
    3. Yes, at times, but nothing comes straight to my mind.
    4. A combination of looks and manner might encourage me. Note to female wait staff, select your targets carefully. An older gay male couple do not want the breasts of female staff wearing low necklines inches from our faces to get an extra tip.
    5. The rest of the world. If US restaurant prices rise by say 15% to pay staff a proper wage, so be it.

  5. 1. No
    2. Yes. I can order Mexican food anywhere. I know what I'm getting and can pronounce it properly.
    3. No.
    4. No. Good service receives good tips . Cute waitstaff get flirted with.
    5. The rest of the world. Math is hard!

    1. I can just hear you flirting with the cute waiter, with the tight jeans.

    2. The funny thing about it is that I feel I'm just being friendly and it doesn't sound like flirting until I think about it later. I seem to be a pan flirter. Then there was this oh so sexy silver fox who helped our newbie waiter on one of our anniversaries. I had ONE drink that he recommended. I proceeded to ask if I could pet his salt and pepper beard. He said yes and let me. It was sooooo soft. I apologized to Balder, my son and his wife. They just laughed their collective butts off.

  6. Have you eaten anything when traveling that would illegal when you at home? Hell, no. I'd give up meat altogether if I had willpower.

    Can you order from a menu not in your first language? Yes, I try.
    Have you ever been surprised by what you ordered? no.

    Do cute service staff get bigger tips? No...I tip very good to begin with. They need to make a living. But if service is really lousy, they get the minimum.

    In the USA tipping is optional but expected at 10-20%, in most of the rest of the word service is included, and tipped is often frowned upon. Who gets this right? The reason I tip good, they don't make a fair wage. The rest of the world gets it right. One must look at their check too...many places are starting to add an automatic tip, and then people are tipping on top of that! Read your check first. And everywhere you go they want tips here now, and some places have the gull to have tipping bins when I have to do the work!?!?!

    1. In Miami we ran into 18% service charges.

  7. 1. No.
    2. I make the attempt.
    3. A few times.
    4. I don't tihnk so.
    5. The rest of the world. But their servers don't get $2.15 and hour as base and have to work on tips to survive.

    1. I have had a few menu surprises over the years, and with luck more to come.

  8. 1: Have you eaten anything when traveling that would illegal when you at home? I'm gonna say No.
    2: Can you order from a menu not in your first language? I can order in Spanish.
    3: Have you ever been surprised by what you ordered? A few times, yes.
    4: Do cute service staff get bigger tips? Of course! Well, cute AND nice.
    5: In the USA tipping is optional but expected at 10-20%, in most of the rest of the word service is included, and tipped is often frowned upon. Who gets this right? I think if servers were paid a decent wage, tipping might become a thing of the past in America, but I don't see it happening. I am a 20+% tipper.

    1. I tend to be a very generous tipper, life has been good the past few years.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1: Have you eaten anything when traveling that would illegal when you at home? No.
    2: Can you order from a menu not in your first language? I could get by in French and if the menu had pictures I could use my index finger.
    3: Have you ever been surprised by what you ordered? Yes. Once on a Grecian isle I tried to ask a waiter about what was on their menu. He literally brought everything I had enquired about. Fortunately, in those days, eating out was dirt cheap in Greece.
    4: Do cute service staff get bigger tips? No. Not from me they don't. Friendliness and helpfulness and general good service are the things that matter.
    5: In the USA tipping is optional but expected at 10-20%, in most of the rest of the word service is included, and tipped is often frowned upon. Who gets this right? I will only tip when I think the service has been good and I will only pay what I choose to pay. In England, only a small percentage of restaurants and cafes include a service charge. This has been a development that I very much dislike.

    1. Those were the days when Greece was inexpensive.

  11. 1: Have you eaten anything when traveling that would illegal when you at home? No, I don't think so.
    2: Can you order from a menu not in your first language? Yes, most of the time.
    3: Have you ever been surprised by what you ordered? I think once but it was a pleasant surprise.
    4: Do cute service staff get bigger tips? No, I base the tip on service.
    5: In the USA tipping is optional but expected at 10-20%, in most of the rest of the word service is included, and tipped is often frowned upon. Who gets this right? I like the way it is done in the rest of the world.

    1. I had a nice surprising lunch today.

  12. 1: Have you eaten anything when traveling that would illegal when you at home? I don't believe so.
    2: Can you order from a menu not in your first language? No

    3: Have you ever been surprised by what you ordered? No.

    4: Do cute service staff get bigger tips? Sadly yes.

    5: In the USA tipping is optional but expected at 10-20%, in most of the rest of the word service is included, and tipped is often frowned upon. Who gets this right? Here in Idaho wait people who get tips. There wage is $3.35 an hour.

    1. $3.35 an hour should be illegal

  13. 1: Yes his name was Carlos
    2: Yes. How to order is one of the first things learned in a language course.

    3: More so when I order at home.

    4: Studies show they do.

    5: I've heard many good reasons to abolish tipping. I'm for it.

    1. Tell us more about Carlos,

    2. I remember he was well over four feet and in lady's shoes.

  14. 1: Have you eaten anything when traveling that would illegal when you at home? Not that I'm aware of...unless you count states with anti-sodomy laws *smirk*

    2: Can you order from a menu not in your first language? Nope. Unless there's pictures I can point at.

    3: Have you ever been surprised by what you ordered? Not that I can remember.

    4: Do cute service staff get bigger tips? Only if they flirt back - you gotta play the game if you wanna win!

    5: In the USA tipping is optional but expected at 10-20%, in most of the rest of the word service is included, and tipped is often frowned upon. Who gets this right? If service folk in the US were paid a living wage, I would love to stop tipping. I do think tipping culture has gotten out of hand. A tip jar at Stewart's? I don't think so.

