Sunday, May 12, 2024

Moneyball - a short commentary on professional sports

The salaries paid in professional sports should be embarrassing.  Billions of dollars (or Euros, or Pounds, or Dracmas) are spent in pursuit, of the best players. And yet in a game of win or lose, there can only be one supreme winner, one winner for every 100 or 1,000 also rans.  

Isn't it really all about is entertainment?  The spectator is there for the show, for a diversion, for an escape.  An exciting game is entertainment, but there can be so much more to the show.  

Here is a bold idea. Cap salaries at $200,000 a year per player.  Enough to make a good living, but not enough to create divas.  Hire players that will put on the most entertaining show for the money. Lower the ticket prices and encourage spectators to come for the fun, win or lose, for a good show.  I want to see players who are truly enjoying what they are doing. When the team has fun, so will I. 

Yes, the players have a limited career, they would need to plan for a life after professional sports.  To live a life much more like the person sitting the stands, hoping for a good show today.  

From April 28th, to about May 12th , I will be on a great adventure and on a digital detox, a couple of weeks without access to the internet. I have been told internet access may be available, but it will be very slow and expensive. So, I am going to try to take a couple of weeks off. I have not been without internet access in a couple of in couple of decades, I hope it goes well.  After that, until about May 30th, I will have intermittent internet access. 

I have scheduled posts to keep you all entertained.  These are not my usual posts, that is either a good thing, or a bad thing, depending on your point of view.  As I have opportunity, I will post updates.  I look forward to reading your comments when I have the opportunity. 

Regular service will resume about the 1st of June, with tales from the adventure.    


  1. For the life of me I will never understand how or why these people and that of actors and singers get paid these fees???? They are good at what they do, but worth that much???? It's not like there making science discoveries, finding cures, or saving lives. I think it's obscene, and why the egos are created. Eventually the prices for these things will be so high, already started, that many will not be able to go to see them except the utlra rich. Would you rather have a packed-out stadium or theater of many at averages prices, or just a small crowd of a 100 or so who will pay thousands per ticket just to make up the price?

    1. Ticket prices and the ticketing monopoly are related issues.

  2. Along with another currency of a despotic country, billions of riyal

    1. We were watching Australian Rules Football on TV the other night

  3. This infuriates me and makes it difficult for me to watch professional sports. I start stewing about the obscene wealth of players and owners and related people and I can’t enjoy the game.

    1. There was an article recently on the difference in salary for a first round pick in the NBA and the WNBA. It was like 12-million vs $120K.

  4. The only problem I have is that the owners will then makes ALL the money when they do nothing at all to make the game, or the player, better.
    The players who are good are the draws for the crowd so they should be compensated for their talent ... though, yes,m the amounts they are paid are insane.
    It's like actors who makes millions and millions per film; it seems obscene. But I go to the movies to see a certain actor, not a certain film studio or producer. And if an actor stars in consistently high-grossing films, they should be compensated accordingly.
    Unless it's Will Ferrell; then, No.

    1. And the owners want the taxpayers to build them billion dollar venues to make money in.

  5. Well, that is something to think about. I agree, the amounts paid to certain individuals are insane.

    1. If we were in charge of the world
