Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Saturday Morning Post: Ten Travel Essentials

 GQ has a YouTube series where they interview celebrities and sports figures asking what there 10 essential are.  Let me take a stab at my 10 travel essentials. 

1: My Nikon D5500 with an 18-200mm lens.  This is my daily carry camera, and I almost never leave home without it.  

2: My Chromebook, the current one is an Acer, it is the third one I have owned. It is a 12 inch, weighs less then 3 pounds, and is easy to travel with. 

3: Airline travel credit card. I have more than one.  The air miles from them have paid for a lot of travel. Over the past 4 years, I have all but stopped using cash. 

4: Cash, I always have a modest amount of cash with me.  It is rare that cards won't work, old habits die hard I always have real money with me. I keep a enough Euros and GBP on hand to take a taxi to a hotel and have lunch when I arrive. 

5: Passport card.  If I am leaving the country I carry my passport, but I always have a passport card with me.  It works for border crossings in north America, and at the airport.  

6: The flying pharmacy.  I take just a couple of prescription medications, and I always have a few days supply with me, along with anti inflammatories, digestive aids, and antihistamines. There is also a hair brush, toothbrush and toothpaste in the kit.  

7: Mobile phone.  I am carrying a Samsung, 5G phone.  I seldom talk on the phone. It connects me to email, and I can post to my blogs from it, do web searches, and get directions.  

8: Electronic support bag.  I keep this packed and ready to go, it has chargers for my phone, Kindle, and Chromebook (and Apple lightening.) Also other cables, and a PowerPoint remote control, I like to pace when I am speaking.  

9: Asics Cumulus Gel shoes.  I have multiple pairs of these, and they are the shoes I wear 95% of the time that I have shoes on.  I have them in plain black for semi-formal occasions, and neon yellow when that is what I feel like.  I buy them when I find them on clearance, or when I see a color I love.  

10: Travel Penguin.  He seldom appears in public, but he is in my essential travel bag.  Oh, the adventures he has been on, the things he has seen.   


  1. How can you feel like neon yellow? Are you sometimes a banana or a lemon? You are certainly a well-organised traveller David.

  2. I keep saying, you ought to write a travel book with all your tips and tricks.

  3. I don't have a list of travel essentials as I do not travel that much. I enjoy hearing about your adventures, tho, so thanks for taking me along! :)

    1. We are in Nimes, France, in a nice hotel near the historic district,

  4. Travel Penguin should really write a tell all memoir.

    1. Hmm, it could be sold as a cure for insomnia.

  5. sounds a whole lot like my travel essentials.
    You might want to check the GBP. Every time I've gone to London after a few years, I always have to exchange the old cash for new cash at a bank. It seems the British change out their currency quite often. On this last trip, I took all the left over cash to the bank when I got home so that I don't have to do that again.

    1. We exchanged some at a Post Office in 2020, the last trip

  6. All very important things especially the penguin.

  7. What about a gun... is "Have Gun will travel" a misnomer? MY LIFE IS A LIE!!!!

