Thursday, May 02, 2024

Meeting Old Friends

I enjoy meeting bloggers.  If I am passing by, I am likely to offer to stop off and say Hi.  This photo was taken in an overnight stop over on my way home from a conference, to meet the infamous Mistress Maddi for dinner. 

Meeting a blogger you have been reading for years, is meeting an old friend, you have never met.  You know them, even if you have never met them.  Trading comments develops a unique relationship. Over the years I have reached out through comments to bloggers that I knew would be nearby. I added a contact me box to my blog, a few months ago, a simple direct way to reach me if you are passing through our corner of the world.  

I am on a digital detox, without access to the internet for a couple of weeks.  Please comment, but I won't read or reply to comments until about May 12th.   


  1. In real life I am a bashful, shy sort of guy and if I see someone I know coming up the street I jump into doorways or hide behind walls. Consequently, I prefer to keep other bloggers where they belong - in cyberspace. Has the captain yelled, "Abandon Ship!" yet?

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  3. Hope you trip is going great!

  4. I've only had one or two disappointing experiences meeting bloggers, otherwise they have all been even better than their blogs.
