Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Saturday Morning Post: Reflections

This adventure started three weeks ago today, and we have another ten days or so to go.  We are trying keep a slow measured pace.  Saying, yes, and an honest no to seeing and doing things. We are in Arles France, headed to a Gite about 30 miles north east of here.  That will be home base for a week.  A two bedroom apartment with a kitchen and washing machine in the middle of a greenhouse farm.  Time to do a little laundry. This is our second time renting a Gite. A great way to spend time in rural France.  

The rental car has a manual transmission, I hadn't driven a manual in 9 years, kind of like riding a bike you never forget.  I did stall it a couple of times.  And we figured out how to get the in dash GPS to talk to us in English. She was much more helpful today. 

Oh and French trains are heavenly.  Comfortable, smooth, efficient.  The SNCF website is easy to navigate, in English. 

We had lunch today in Aigues-Mortes, a walled Medieval city.  Under an umbrella, in the town square, local food, well prepared.  An accordion player set up and started to play.  And I wiped away tears of joy.  It was totally unexpected. It was not something we had planned, or I had fantasies about, but it was that esential small French village experience. Memories created deep inside my psyche.  I am so glad I was there, and open to the experience. It is not the only experience from this trip, but if it was, the entire journey was worth every minute and every dollar.  


  1. Magical and moving -- and great photos. I’m so happy for you.

    1. And we found the Gite and checked in, it is what we (I) expected, in the middle of 12 acres of greenhouses, zucchini are in season, tomatoes soon.

  2. How wonderful to be in France! Enjoy every second!

  3. Glorious pictures....I loved the last shot! I am always impressed with train travel in Europe compared to here in the states.

  4. It just sounds fabulous!!

  5. It always makes me smile to see the penguin.

  6. This sounds heavenly. Maybe YOU should start planning our trips :-)

