Thursday, May 30, 2024

Put Yourself in the Picture

I sometime have taken a trip, I return home, download the photos and realize, that there are no photos of me being there.  No photographic proof that I was there. There great photos of where I have been, what I have seen, what I have experienced, and of others, but no images of me.  

A decade or so ago I worked with someone who went on a grand adventure, she and her spouse flew to Argentina to go snow skiing.  She was showing her photos from the trip, and EVERY ONE OF THEM, was of her, her spouse, or the two of them. A couple hundred photos of the two of them and no one or nothing else.  Those two hundred photos could have been taken in her garden. 

Smart Phones have a selfie button. I use it. But I prefer photos from real cameras.  Any shiny surface will do. One of the first online platforms I posted on The Mirror Project, that only posted photos with a reflection of the photographer.  And I can hold my camera at arms length with the lens facing me and get a pretty reliable image.  Hopefully with some evidence in the background of where I am.  

A quick edit. 

We arrived home about 11:00 PM last night, all safe and as sound as can be expected.  I slept about 5 hours, and was up at 11:00 AM Paris time, 5:00 AM home time.  Photos are downloading, that will take a while there are nearly 4,000 of them.  I promise not to post them all in one day.  I am watching the photos scroll by as they copy to the computer, they are epic.  I can't wait to start planning the next adventure. 


  1. It is nice to have evidence of your own presence.

    1. Any you can enjoy the extra shiny surfaces.

  2. Glad you're home all safe and sound and cannot wait to see the photos!

    1. I am working on getting them copied onto the computer.

  3. That's why I'm very seldom ever put myself in the photos. I have friends to take these fabulous trips and every single picture is nothing but a selfie. Then I leave seeing the pictures actually seeing nothing except them who I see all the time. Not that I don't take any maybe one but I'm there to experience the city and then share it with others.

    1. If you want to see my daily selfie, there is a link on the sidebar.

  4. "I promise not to post them all in one day" -- hahahahahaha!

    1. Downloading them took over two hours this morning. Well over 50-gigs of files.

  5. Glad you are home safe and sound. You have given me an idea for a travel post. I never take photos of me in places I visit. I'm going to search some out.

    1. I probably have 10 selfies, in the nearly 4,000 from this trip. I do a daily selfie on my phone, actually time to post todays.

  6. It's good to hear you are home safely.
    I remember the days when the photos were on the roll of film and I would get them back and bring them to Walgreen's to be developed and then half would be no good at all or my finger when be in the frame! :)

    1. A memorable horror story from film, was a roll shot from behind Niagara Falls, the local CVS destroyed.

  7. Four thousand pictures! If only you could get a dollar for every one.

    1. If I were in it for the money.

  8. I need to do better at taking better pictures when I'm away (not MORE!)


    1. Sweet Bear takes fewer photos, but often better photos than I do.

  9. Replies
    1. It is good to be back, can't wait for the next adventure.

  10. My father loved his camera; he said to always put someone in the photo unless it distracts from the topic at hand.
