Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday Five: What are we thinking

 1: What are you looking forward to in March? 

2: There are 29 days in February this year, any plans for the bonus day? 

3: What is the strangest thing you have seen this week? 

4: What is the first blog you read after your own? 

5: Have laughed or cried most recently? 

My answers: 

1: What are you looking forward to in March? My sister's birthday. 

2: There are 29 days in February this year, any plans for the bonus day? I have an editorial board meeting that day. 

3: What is the strangest thing you have seen this week? A murder of crows. 

4: What is the first blog you read after your own? Ken in France. 

5: Have laughed or cried most recently? Laughed, much laughter these days.  

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. A week in Sydney.
    2. Do lots of home cleaning. That was my NY resolution and it didn't happen.
    3. I think it would be what seemed to be a straight guy wearing nail polish. He made me feel old.
    4. Blogs where I always comment are read first and I comment but I don't have one in particular.
    5. Some laughing when we dined out with a friend on Saturday night, but not much laughter on the home front. I was reading a story on my phone about a woman who a couple of decades after her heart transplant was writing a thank you letter to the family of a young woman who died and the letter writer received her heart. It was quite moving. I didn't cry but my eyes became wet.

  2. 1: What are you looking forward to in March? Recuperating
    2: There are 29 days in February this year, any plans for the bonus day? Hah! Recuperating.
    3: What is the strangest thing you have seen this week? Clothing in high-end shop windows.
    4: What is the first blog you read after your own? I go through blogger Reading List in order of posting.
    5: Have laughed or cried most recently? I’ve wanted to cry often. But I’ve laughed.

    1. You will be back running the beach before you know it.

  3. What are you looking forward to in March? Hopefully getting back outside for my regular walks and starting to dig into the garden.

    There are 29 days in February this year, any plans for the bonus day? An extra day hopefully to relax!

    What is the strangest thing you have seen this week? I think seeing the Robin's back. They don't usually could return till March or April.

    What is the first blog you read after your own? Depends who's on the top of my reading list on my dashboard. I usually start at the top and work my way down. Or sometimes I'll start at the bottom and work my way up to the most current... depends on my nude

    Have laughed or cried most recently? I very seldom cry.. but I'm almost always laughing. Just tonight while having dinner at Indian restaurant I was laughing so hard I was wheezing.

    1. I can imagine when you are nude you start at the bottom and work your way up.

  4. 1: What are you looking forward to in March? - Maybe three nights away in North Wales. My kids gave me a hotel voucher for my 70th birthday.
    2: There are 29 days in February this year, any plans for the bonus day? Nothing special but my daughter and her family will come round for their evening meal.
    3: What is the strangest thing you have seen this week? The Moon. The private moon landing was a huge success even though the vessel apparently fell over!
    4: What is the first blog you read after your own? For some strange reason it's "Magnon's Meanderings", then "Shadows and Light". These guys blog early every morning.
    5: Have laughed or cried most recently? I laugh and cry every week but I cannot pinpoint any noteworthy moments these past few days. I always have a chuckle over "The Friday Funnies" at "Oddball Observations".

    1. We stayed in a delightful hotel in Conwy back in March of 2020, and had a delightful dinner with John from Going Gently.

  5. 1: What are you looking forward to in March? The first day of Spring!
    2: There are 29 days in February this year, any plans for the bonus day? I am sending cards to my two little grandsons to celebrate the first Leap Year in their young lives. I will walk to the post office (weather dependent) and get in line to have the cards hand-cancelled with February 29, 2024.
    3: What is the strangest thing you have seen this week? I don't like beets but my daughter talked me into eating some borshch (Ukrainian spelling) and it was delicious!
    4. What is the first blog you read after your own? An American in Italy.
    5: Have laughed or cried most recently? Cried...yesterday when my daughter, son-in-law and little grandson dropped me off at O'Hare. I spent 12 days with them after little grandson's birth.

    1. I hope that 50 years from now the grandsons covet the cards.

  6. 1. My first race of 2024.
    2. There are zero plans for bonus day.
    3. I don't recall anything weird - though I suppose it's all relative.
    4. Spo, probably. I don't read my own after I write, usually.
    5. I don't really cry. So I'm guessing I laughed - at something my husband or one of my friends did or said .

    1. I always read my blog first to check for edits and comments.

  7. 1. 3 birthdays in March - my sister, my grandson, my daughter
    2. Nothing!
    3. My daffodil leaves coming up in the snow.
    4. The Weaver of Grass
    5. Laughed with my grandsons last night. They think I'm a hoot! :)

    1. I had a grandmother who was a hoot.

  8. 1. Well let's see, looking forward to turning 68 which means I've survived another year. Spring is my favorite season, so there's that. Replacing plants that have died since last March. Hopefully they'll survive the ride home.
    2. There are no bonus days in February. Just one less day that screws up monthly medications. Yes, I'm bitter.
    3. I looked in the mirror wearing a wig and no teeth. I just needed a cauldron and I'd 've been set for the roadshow of Hocus Pocus or some such
    4. I don't have a blog of my own so that saves time. Of the few I read I choose whoever has a new post first.
    5. Laughed my lack of butt off at my 18-year-old (3 years past her expiration date) dog trying to get me to do geriatric zoomies with her. I also cried when I couldn't keep up, heh.

    1. Life is a full spectrum of emotions, it is great to hear from you. You are only three years older than I am.

  9. 1: What are you looking forward to in March? Perfect weather, possibly a trip to Tucson to have lunch at my favorite restaurant there.
    2: There are 29 days in February this year, any plans for the bonus day? It's a Thursday so I'll be having champagne with a friend. (it has become a sort of tradition for us)
    3: What is the strangest thing you have seen this week? A photographer who looked like he was photographing the floor and people's feet as they walked past.
    4: What is the first blog you read after your own? I don't go in any particular order.
    5: Have laughed or cried most recently? Laughed, thankfully.

    1. I have been known to sit on a bench and photograph the shoes going by. People wear some great shoes.

  10. 1: What are you looking forward to in March? I have nothing really to look forward to
    2: There are 29 days in February this year, any plans for the bonus day? Asking someone to marry me.

    3: What is the strangest thing you have seen this week? A patient.

    4: What is the first blog you read after your own? Yours !

    5: Have laughed or cried most recently? I did the former at something on Youtube.

    1. If not for confidentiality, the stories you could tell.
