Monday, February 26, 2024

Moody Monday: Staying on the Path

It is so easy to get distracted, to be drawn into the 101 crisis in the world, to get sucked back into the day to day of my former office.  One of the attorneys left a few days after I retired, and they are short handed and struggling, and no I am not the rescue ship. 

It would be easy to settle in front of the television, and not leave the house, or my bed for that matter.  But that is not what I want to do with the last 10-20 years of my life.  So I limit the time it is on, I find the off switch and get off my duff.  

It would be easy to get sucked into the petty, but I choose to stay on the path I have chosen.  A path that takes me places known, and to explore new places I never knew existed, or have never found.  

How am I feeling?  I am feeling good.  I am getting done what I want to do.  I am getting out of the house, I am staying busy, I am taking random afternoon naps that I had fought back against for 50 years.  

Are you staying on the path you wish to be on? 


  1. far so good! And the 101 crisis you mention is one reason I gave up watching the news daily. To distraction, and negative...and take the blood pressure up. Once or twice a week is good for me now.

    1. You are not alone in limiting new intake.

  2. Yes, fairly steady as I go. I am pleased you are so far happy with your retirement.

    1. The only thing I miss are the paychecks.

  3. I still love straying from the path, but I always hope whatever path I take will continue to lead forward in some meandering way.

    1. And there are do many wonderful paths where you live.

  4. So far so good! Sounds like retirement agrees with you.

    1. Doing it my way, most of the time

  5. I'm feeling lazier then I want to be and hope to get motivated soon as I feel I am wasting time. I wish I had your energy!

  6. I'm trying to! Sometimes life gets in the way though.

    1. Sometimes the unexpected turns are good, sometimes not.

  7. Not really but I DID try puff pastry cinnamon rolls a little while ago. Apparently the puff pastry had been around too long so they came out as "baby" cinnamon rolls but SWMBO and I agreed they were delicious.

    1. I have a roll of puff pastry in the refrigerator - I should do something with it.

  8. You are a very fortunate fellow.
