Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Saturday Morning Post: My Saturday Mornings

I am awake by 7:00 most Saturday mornings, maybe a little later if I am up late.  I start the coffee, make toast, settle in and read and comment on blogs.  By about 8:30, I pull some clothes on, and head to the farmers market.  There has been a market on the market square on King Street in Alexandria Virginia since colonial times.  On Saturday mornings there is free parking in the garage underneath the square.  

My first stop is usually Maribeth's Bakery, for my weekly loaf of their asiago cheese bread. I make the rounds, three of the vendors, including Spring Valley shown above grow everything they sell.  I buy what looks good.  I really don't have a plan, beyond the bread of what I am going to buy. In the summer I usually pick up a couple of pastries from the Hollin Hills bakery, also known as pastry boy.  Pastry boy is headed off to college in the fall, it will be interesting to see if the family carries on at the market when he is away at school. 

On the morning this photo was taken, I picked up pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, white turnips, fennel, and a baguette.  

When I get home from the market, I work on my blog.  Most of my posts are written on Saturdays, most of them in the morning, then edited up until they post.  

What does your Saturday morning look like.  


  1. I am awake by 10:00 most Saturday mornings, maybe a little later if I am up late!!!

    Then who knows...a myrid of things differing from week to week. Later tomorrow, today? I heading to Philly with friends.

  2. Up between 8:30 and 10. Sometimes meet friends for coffee and maybe breakfast, too. Other times, breakfast at home and then exercise/walk on the Paseo/beach. Today I'll head into town to watch the parade for the international fair.

  3. Asiago cheese bread...yum! I'm up between 6:30 and 7, make coffee, read blogs and then the NYT and other news, get out for a walk, and then figure out what else the day will bring. Today, I'm getting some pesky weeds out of a couple gardens and going shopping for some flowers and herbs. Enjoy your Saturday!

    1. I am in the first class lounge at Keflavack at the moment

  4. Asiago cheese bread, YUM! Clearly I agree with Diaday.

    1. I am looking forward to fresh dill in the market

  5. I don't think I really have a Saturday routine. It's whatever I feel like in the morning. Right at this moment, I'm sitting up in bed and reading blogs. I will most likely grocery shop later on but I'm enjoying the quiet right now.

  6. We have a fabulous local farmer's market here on Saturdays and we love going and getting some fresh veggies, cheese, a gluten free treat, and the occasional bottle of locally produced liquor.

    I'm usually up by 6 on Saturdays, and rarely later then 7. I weight in every morning before starting my day (part of the Noom program) then my mornings either start with a cup of coffee on the sofa, Harvey curled op sleeping on a blanket on my lap, and me reading blogs, playing my turn on Words with Friends or Scrabble, taking a peek at Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok for latest posts from friends, and just enjoying the quiet morning. if it's warm enough, this all happens on the screened in porch, where I can here the birds singing away. I can't do much more because Jeffrey's sleeping, so I try not to make too much noise. Once he's up, we have breakfast and watch some cartoons, then, if we don't already have a plan, we discuss what we want to do that day. Any errands that need running, we run. Then I usually prefer to stay active or engaged in various hobbies and activities around the house or in the yard, while Jeffrey prefers to relax on the couch, watching TV and perusing the interwebs on his lap top. Then, it's dinner, cocktails and a movie, with or without company. maybe not the most exciting day, but its a dream life come true for me.


    1. Sounds like a good day for anyone

  7. Went to an art show, and I will have an post about it, on Sunday April 30
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  8. I would give my right arm for a market like this one. I would go every Saturday like a church service, and make lovely dishes and soups.
