Sunday, July 15, 2018

Out of the Closet - Sunday Five

This is on the California Street Cable Car line in San Francisco.  We were walked out, and didn't stop.  But it will inspire the Sunday Five.

1: Have you bought and worn clothing from a "thrift store" or "resale" shop? 
2: What is in your closet that is "fabulous?" 
3: Are there things you should get out of your closet? 
4: Do you wear clothing designed with a different gender in mind? 
5: Who wears it better, Rue Paul or Kim Kardashian? 

My answers:
1: Have you bought and worn clothing from a "thrift store" or "resale" shop? Yes, if only it still fit I found an incredible Austin Reed wool suit - to die for. 
2: What is in your closet that is "fabulous?" I have a couple of great Hawaiian shirts and one great pair of jeans. 
3: Are there things you should get out of your closet?  Clothes my fat ass will only fit into if I am terminally ill. 
4: Do you wear clothing designed with a different gender in mind? No, not really.  
5: Who wears it better, Rue Paul or Kim Kardashian? Kim who? 

Your answers 


  1. 1: Heavens, yes! All the time! It's amusing for me to go to a local shoppe when on holiday to see what's inside. I particularly do this if the shoppe is associated with a hospice or charity.
    2: Dozens and dozens of homemade shirts. Sometimes I like to stand in front of them and run my fingers over them.
    3: Lots. Every time I go in there I say to myself get rid of this, that, and the other.
    4: No I don't think I do, unless you consider the pendants.
    5: I am not familiar with either drag queen to know who is better.

  2. 1: Have you bought and worn clothing from a "thrift store" or "resale" shop? Yes, I once found a vintage Christian Dior shirt for $5!

    2: What is in your closet that is "fabulous?" I have a huge light blue marabou boa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too luxurious.

    3: Are there things you should get out of your closet? Im not sure there was ever much in the closet!

    4: Do you wear clothing designed with a different gender in mind? Ah, what do you think? Just a tad.....

    5: Who wears it better, Ru Paul or Kim Kardashian? Dear, there is even no contest.....Ru Paul wears EVERYTHING better....and correctly.

  3. 1. Yes, when I was young and skinny. Too hard to find my size now.
    2. Fabulous for me: several pair of bright colored jeans with awesome printed tops.
    3. Not right this minute. I periodically purge my closet of things I don't wear anymore. I look for them later. Oh, wait. I forgot. About ten "church" hats that are gathering dust and spider webs.
    4. Sure. I prefer men's sweats and flannel shirts. They're cheaper and the colors are prettier. Men's mesh belts to hold up the jeans.
    5. Who wears what better? You have to be specific. If it's dresses, Rue Paul hands down. Back end of a horse costume, that would be Kim.

  4. 1: Have you bought and worn clothing from a "thrift store" or "resale" shop? Yes I have.And I still have a great many things from Thrift Stores.

    2: What is in your closet that is "fabulous?" The shoes. God, i love the shoes.

    3: Are there things you should get out of your closet? Of course, but I can't. I might need it sone day. I kid; I am good at thinning the herd.

    4: Do you wear clothing designed with a different gender in mind? I have not, but I'm not against the idea.

    5: Who wears it better, Rue Paul or Kim Kardashian? Ru, of course.
